As a research master, the main objective of MMOBE is to train professionals in the study of organizations, on a conceptual and quantitative basis. Therefore, there are two types of professionals MMOBE delivers: professionals ready to undertake analysis activities and implement actions for various types of organizations, and those seeking an academic career in the fields of business organization, strategy and economics. Approximately ¼ of our MMOBE students continue on to fully-funded PhD scholarships.
At the end of MMOBE, students will have the required knowledge and skills to analyze and relate basic contributions of economics study organizations and compare these using statistical, econometric and qualitative methods. They should also be able to design and evaluate policies and practices for economic organizations aimed at improving their internal efficiency and their adaptation to the social setting in which they operate.
Students will learn to develop adequate quantitative instruments with theoretical models to enable the proper transmission of their proposals to international audiences, specifically in the areas of business organisation, strategy and economy. Additionally, the student will be able to collaborate with academic and professional teams through original and thorough proposals related to the business environment.