June 13-14, 2022
Sala de Graus (B3/012) de la Facultat d'Economia i Empresa - UAB
More information "Workshop June"DEMO/MMOBE Inaugural Session course 2021-22
Inaugural lecture by professor Joan E. Ricart, Carl Schroeder Chair of Strategic Management (IESE Business School)
A Changing Agenda for Corporate Governance
Monday, Wednesday, November 17th 2021, at 17h
Reial Acadèmia de Ciències i Arts de Barcelona (RACAB). La Rambla, 115 - 08002 Barcelona (entrance by Poliorama Theater)Proceso de Acreditación DEMO 2021. Visita del CAE 22 de Septiembre 2021 y audiencia abierta.
September 6-7, 2021 - ONLINE
More information "IBEW Workshops"XV MMOBE/DEMO Workshop UAB
28th and 28th June 2021
Aula 22 Facultat d'Economia i Empresa - UAB / online
More information "Workshop June"Proceso de Acreditación DEMO 2021.
Job Market Advice for PhD students. April 27th 2021. ONLINE.
Doctoral dissertation Jessica Ellis
Coordination with Asymmetries in Highly Complex and Volatile Environments.
Supervisor: Dr. Carles Solà
Friday, March 12th 2021 16h (Spanish time)
ONLINE (you can ask for the public session link at this e-mail dissertation Miryam Martín Sánchez
Three essays on patent infringement and litigation
Supervisor: Dr. Abel Lucena Pimentel
Wednesday, December 2nd 2020 at 15h (Spanish time)
ONLINE (you can ask for the public session link at this e-mail dissertation Charles B. Howell
Three essays on Incorporating Service and Product Attibutes Into Economic Models
Supervisor: Dr. Emili Grifell-Tatjé
Tuesday, September, 29th, 2020, 11.30h (Spanish time)
Sala de Graus Escola de Postgrau UAB (U-101) / ONLINE (you can ask for the public session link at this e-mail dissertation Paula María Infantes
Three essays on Business Groups, Corporate Governance and Internationalization
Supervisor: Dr. Rafel Crespí / Dr. Bartomeu Pascual Fuster
Monday, September, 7th, 2020, 12h (Spanish time)
ONLINE (you can ask for the public session link at this e-mail MMOBE/DEMO Workshop UAB
July, 3rd, 2020 - ONLINE
More information "Workshops June"Doctoral dissertation Ahmed Sewaid
Entrepreneurial Finance: Three Essays on Crowdfunding
Supervisor: Dr. Miguel A. García-Cestona / Dra- Florina Silaghi
Julym 2nd, 2020, 17h (Spanish time)
ONLINE (you can ask for the public session link at this e-mail U. Salcedo (DEMO PhD student) has won the Business Association of Latin American Studies 2019 Luis Sanz Best Student Paper Award (sponsored by INCAE Business School) in the BALAS Annual Conference in Lima, Peru, for the paper " How Cognitive Institutional Dimension affects Leadership Structures of Corporate Boards: A Post Crisis Ibero-American Study". Congratulations! More information
DEMO/MMOBE Inaugural Session course 2019-20
Inaugural lecture by Dr. Vicente Salas, Universidad de Zaragoza
The function of the firm: New proposals in an old debate
Monday, December 16th 2019, at 16h
Reial Acadèmia de Ciències i Arts de Barcelona (RACAB). La Rambla, 115 - 08002 Barcelona (entrance by Poliorama Theater)XIII MMOBE/DEMO Workshop UPNA
May, 30-31, 2019
More information "Workshop June"DEMO/MMOBE Inaugural Session course 2018-19
Inaugural lecture by Dennis Mueller, Vienna University
Profits and Entrepreneurship
Monday, December 17th 2018, at 16h
Reial Acadèmia de Ciències i Arts de Barcelona (RACAB). La Rambla, 115 - 08002 Barcelona (entrance by Poliorama Theater)Charles Howell (DEMO PhD student) has won this year's European Prize in Aviation Economics and Management. Congratulations! More information
Sergio A. Manrique Garzón (DEMO PhD student) has won the Triple Helix Association 2018 Early Career Research Best Paper Award in the XVI International Triple Helix Conference in Manchester, UK, for the paper "Personal Networks and Trust in Public-Private R&D Partnersships: A Case Study from Spain". Congratulations!
2018 Summer Institute on Bounded Rationality
We are delighted to announce that the 2018 Summer Institute on Bounded Rationality will take place on June 19 - 27, 2018, at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development in Berlin, Germany.
DEMO/MMOBE Inaugural Session course 2017-18
Inaugural lecture by Francis Green, the University of Edinburg
Entrepreneurial myths and fallacies
Friday, November 17th 2017, at 18.30h
"La Pedrera" (Sala Gaudí). Passeig de Gràcia 92 / Carrer Provença 261-265 - BARCELONA
Vanesa Llorens i Alfredo Martin-Oliver publish a paper entitled "Determinants of bank's financing choices under capital regulation" in the Journal of the Spanish Economic Association.
XI DEMO Workshop UAB
26th and 27th June 2017
Sala de Graus (B3/012) de la Facultat d'Economia i Empresa - UAB
Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in International Business
Surrey Business School (SBS) is seeking exceptional academics in the area of International Business to join our Department of Strategy and Entrepreneurship at either Lecturer or Senior Lecturer level (equivalent to Assistant / Associate Professor respectively).