From Chapter 1, Meta Modern Era by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

#27 The Power of the Spirit

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Reality and truth are not products of rational or linear thinking. They are derived from absolute wisdom as it manifests itself spontaneously, coming from the light of the spirit. Prior to realisation one may or may not agree but the truth is that the spirit is the reflection of God Almighty in our heart. Only after self-realisation, and only then, is there a direct experience of the spirit.

It then manifests its powers in the human personality and it's light enlightens the consciousness into a new awareness. The divine intelligence of the spirit radiates on all sides. It does not have a linear movement, like rational thinking.

It is not partial, tendentious or manipulative but is simply like the rays of the sun. It enlightens every area of darkness and ignorance. The power of glowing reality radiates from the spirit on all sides and penetrates into all the deepest questions and problems. The power of the spirit is unlimited and it continues enlightening every area, even the most difficult and obscure. There is no question of it reaching a point where it must recoil and lead the mind into confusion and error, as the linear consciousness inevitably does.

On the contrary, it enlightens wherever one's attention goes and one sees reality with complete clarity in a balanced and tangible way. That is because reality is what it is. Unlike the limited ego, blind consciousness, the spirit neither wishes nor needs to manipulate any idea to fit in with rational projections, to suit the demands of an argument or of some mental construction. The trouble is that truth cannot compromise. It stands on its own foundations of deep, pure love.