From Chapter 2, Meta Modern Era by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

#28 Property and Auspiciousness

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

If you ask an enlightened soul, "What would you like to have for yourself?", he may start thinking, "What could I possibly need?" He already has everything. On the contrary he will think, "If I really have to go shopping, then I must buy something by which I can express my love to others". An enlightened soul will purchase something only if it is a thing of spiritual value because there are certain very beautiful things created by human beings, which do emit divine cool vibrations and relax enlightened people. Alternatively he might support some artist, or poor person, who is trying to make a living by creating something artistic. So, underlying his purchase, there is not the principle that "I like it" but there is the principle that "My spirit enjoys it".

But in those choices behind which the chanting of "I like it" resounds, one finds nothing more than a big collection of junk, that is, random pieces of matter. The cluttered accumulation of this junk makes you very upset and very angry with yourself, that you have wasted so much money on something you did not want and now you have to waste more money getting it taken away and thrown in some rubbish dump. The acquisitive instinct in human beings goes on acquiring things but when the polarity of choices starts manifesting itself, the very same things, for which one has made all the effort and paid all the money, start haunting one. One does not know what to do with them.