From Chapter 1, Meta Modern Era by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

#26 The Recognition of Truth

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

A Western gentleman, who had come to me for the first time to learn Sahaja Yoga, found that it was very easy to get self-realisation without any effort and without paying any money. He was so filled with ecstasy that he went out into the garden shouting, "I have found it." When he came back, he was nearly dancing with joy and said, "Now I am going to write to all my friends who have been ardently seeking the truth for ages, to tell them that I have felt this all-pervading divine power as the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost on my fingertips. Now I know what the truth is, that one has to become the spirit and that the all-pervading power of God's love exists, which we all have to feel through this evolutionary breakthrough on our central nervous system. With full confidence, I will tell them that it is a living process, that you cannot get it out of books and that you cannot pay for your evolution."

He got very excited and wrote many letters to his professors, his friends and his colleagues who had all been discussing and reading books about seeking, day and night, for many years. To his great surprise and disappointment, the response was rather lukewarm. Some did not answer him. Others answered saying, "All right, we are happy that you have found it but we have to seek in our own way. We hope that we will also find it, but in some other way." Some could not believe that it was so easy. Others said, "You can't lead a normal life and find it. Because of one's bad deeds, one has to suffer and detach oneself from society, from all human ties, before one can even begin to find it."

No one would listen to him when he said that he had found out the truth by Kundalini Awakening.

With a typical twist of modern advanced thinking, that never likes to arrive at any conclusion, they said, "Yes, this may work for you but this cannot be the only way and there must be other paths."

He was deeply shocked to see that these people who had spent hours and hours meeting together, talking, reading and writing to each other, discussing how to find the absolute truth, were not even willing to listen to him when he told them that he actually had found the truth. It is after all, not everyone, who is strong and meek enough to face the truth. They all tried to wriggle out of it, to escape the truth, by giving some "Yes, but..." explanation or other. However, as people say, "The truth will come out by itself."