NeurIPS 2019 Workshop on Machine Learning with Guarantees

Saturday, December 14, Vancouver Convention Center, BC, Canada

Important Dates

  • CMT entry deadline: September 18 (11:59pm AoE)
    • CMT entries need to be created by this date
  • Submission deadline: September 26 (11:59pm AoE)
    • Papers and details of papers with CMT entries can be edited up until this date
  • Acceptance notification: October 1
  • Camera-ready deadline: TBD
  • Workshop: December 14

Topics of Interest

  • Self-bounding learning methods
  • Generalization error bounds and algorithms that optimize them
  • Learning algorithms that promote adversarial robustness, fairness or privacy
  • Learning algorithms that balance fairness or privacy with accuracy
  • New learning problems and principles
  • Creative bound optimization techniques
  • Empirical studies of theoretical findings
  • ... and many more.

Submission Instructions

We invite extended abstracts of 2-4 pages (excluding references) in NeurIPS format. Submissions may use unlimited additional pages for references or appendices, but reviewers will not be required to assess the appendices. Supplemental material, such as code or data, will not be reviewed, and should not be submitted. However, we encourage authors to link to any such artifacts in the abstract.

The reviewing process will be double blind. Accordingly, submissions should be anonymized. Submissions will be assessed for relevance and significance, but reviewers will not be required to provide detailed feedback.

Work published prior to NeurIPS 2019 will only be considered if it has been meaningfully extended beyond its published version. Parallel submissions (to a journal, conference, workshop, or preprint repository) are, however, allowed. We will also accept short versions of papers accepted to NeurIPS 2019; however, should space become an issue, these papers will be given lower priority than new work.

All accepted contributions will be presented as posters, and some will be selected for short talks. The workshop will have no formal proceedings, but abstracts and posters will be hosted on the workshop website.

Clicking this button will send you to the submission website,

Camera-ready Instructions

All papers must use the workshop LaTeX style (which is based on NeurIPS; just a different footer). Main content (including title, abstract and body) should be no longer than 4 pages. References and supplemental appendices can use unlimited pages.

If any feedback was provided in the reviews, please consider incorporating it into the final version.

PDFs should be uploaded to CMT by November 30 (AoE).