Muhammad Aasim Rafique

Position: Research Assistant Professor


Office: EECS-C3-309 (+82-62-715-3157)


🎓 Education / Experience

    • 08/2019 - Present, Assistant Professor, School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, NUST

    • 02/2018 - 08/2019, Assistant Professor, Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad

    • 02/2013 - 02/2018, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, GIST, Republic of Korea (Ph.D.)

👨‍💻 Research Interests

    • His research interests are artificial neural networks and their applications. He is more inclined to approach domestic challenges with applied machine learning. He has worked on self-driving vehicles and the team successfully demonstrated self-driven vehicles on campus at GIST Korea. He has also worked with development of Neuromorphic devices and took part in the development of a speech recognition neuromorphic chip.

📔 Publications / Patents