Dear Colleagues,
Research Portal on Machine Learning for Social and Health Policies (MLPortal) with the support of Change Lab Action Research Initiative (CLARI) is organizing a (1st) Workshop of Applied Microeconomics on August 24 and 25 2022. The 2-day program will have presenters mostly from Atlantic Canada and other places as well.
You can register the whole workshop and join selective presentations by using the following link in advance:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the workshop. The details of the program is shown below.
Wednesday, August 24
9:30-10.10 Mevlude Akbulut - Dalhousie
World War II Blues: Long-lasting Mental Health Effects of Childhood Trauma
10:10-10:50 Umut Oguzoglu - University of Manitoba
Look Ma, I'm Okay! Intergenerational Transfers of Health
11:10-11:50 Marie-Claire Robitaille - Saint Mary's
Forced Sterilization and the Use of Child and Maternal Health Care in India
11:50-12:30 Fraser Summerfield - St. Francis Xavier
The long shadow of bullying: labour market consequences for an American cohort
13:40-14:20 Nick Manuel - Saint Mary's
A Skill Distance-Based Measure of the Match Between Fields of Study and Occupations
14:20-15:00 Weina Zhou- Dalhousie
The long-term impact of the Chinese famine on health outcomes
15:20-16:00 Melanie Khamis- Wesleyan
Absentee Landlords and Land Tenancy in India
Thursday, August 25
9:30-10.10 Dozie Okoye - Dalhousie
The Long-Term Direct and Indirect Effects of a Large-Scale Education Expansion Program
10:10-10:50 Joniada Milla - Saint Mary's
Attracting Talent to Teaching: Evidence from a Chilean Scholarship Program
11:10-11:50 Mutlu Yuksel - Dalhousie
The Role of Tax Incentives and Risk Aversion in Purchasing Private Health Insurance among Australian Immigrants: Evidence from Administrative Panel Data
11:50-12:30 Diana Alessandrini - St. Francis Xavier
Minimum wage effects on human capital accumulation: Evidence from Canadian data
13:40-14:20 Hui Xiao - Saint Mary's
Trust Thy Neighbor? Uncovering the Structure of the Real Estate Market
14:20-15:00 Mrittika Shamsuddin - Dalhousie
The Labor Market Impacts of Venezuelan Refugees and Migrants in Brazil
15:20-16:00 Yigit Aydede (Saint Mary’s) & Jan Ditzen (University of Bolzano)
Application of "dominance analysis" with health data: Identifying regional spreaders of a viral pathogen and their socio-spatial predictors in Nova Scotia
We hope to see you all