Thesis (학위논문)


Jun O Oh, “Eye Gaze Estimation by Self-Attention with Convolution Projection and Deconvolution Reconstruction,” M.S. Thesis, Dankook University, Korea, Feb. 2022.

Jin Won Jung, “An Open-set Gait Identification System Based on Ensemble Learning using a Smart Insole,” M.S. Thesis, Dankook University, Korea, Feb. 2022.


Hyun Il Kim, Deep Learning Network Based on Multi-section Embedding for Android Malware Detection,” M.S. Thesis, Dankook University, Korea, Aug. 2021.

Hee Chan Park, “Classification of Gait Pattern Based on Ensemble Learning Using Smart Insole,” M.S. Thesis, Dankook University, Korea, Feb. 2021.

Sung Woo Byeon, “Drone Image Analysis Based On Deep Learning For Traffic Measurement,” M.S. Thesis, Dankook University, Korea, Feb. 2021.

Kang Hee Lee, “A Method for Diagnosing Sacroiliac Arthritis Based on MRI Analysis using Deep Learning,” M.S. Thesis, Dankook University, Korea, Feb. 2021.


Yong Geol Lee, “A Robust Face Recognition System with Single Training Sample per Person Problem,” Ph.D. Thesis, Dankook University, Korea, Feb. 2019.

Je Yeol Lee, “Improving Stability of Training of Generative Adversarial Networks by Using Variational Auto-Encoder ,” M.S. Thesis, Dankook University, Korea, Feb. 2019.

Jeong Min Seo, “Action Recognition Based on Temporal Segment Network Using 3D Convolution ,” M.S. Thesis, Dankook University, Korea, Feb. 2019.


Tae Kyu Eom, “Interacting Group Detection Using Spatial and Social Relations Between Individuals in an Image,” M.S. Thesis, Dankook University, Korea, Feb. 2018.

Wu Duk Seo, “Gait Type Classification Using Pressure Sensor of Smart Insole,” M.S. Thesis, Dankook University, Korea, Feb. 2018.

Sung Sin Lee, ““Gait Classification Based on Deep Learning for Smart Insole,” M.S. Thesis, Dankook University, Korea, Aug. 2018.


Hong Min Jeon, “Data Loss Recovery Using Iteratively Reweighted L1-Principal Component Analysis for Electronic Nose ,” M.S. Thesis, Dankook University, Korea, Feb. 2017.

Na Rae Choi, “Efficient pre-processing Technique for Lane Detection Using Image Clustering and HSV Color Model ,” M.S. Thesis, Dankook University, Korea, Feb. 2017.

Tae Kyoung Kim, “Lane Detection Using Biased Discriminant Analysis,” M.S. Thesis, Dankook University, Korea, Feb. 2017.


Jang Yun Lee, “Face Recognition Using Histogram Comparison of Image Segmentation ,” M.S. Thesis, Dankook University, Korea, Aug. 2015.


Yong Geol Lee, “A Study on Confidence Measure Using Biased Discriminant Analysis in Eye Detection for Face Recognition,” M.S. Thesis, Dankook University, Korea, Feb. 2014.


Sang-Il Choi, “Face Recognition Based on 2D Images Under Various Conditions,” Ph.D. Thesis, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, Feb. 2010.