
The rain falls from the clouds above.

Clear and pure once many years ago.

The environment we live in seems to get no love.

For we must seek a better way for us to go.

The ground we tread upon has become heavily polluted.

Forests burning across almost every state.

Our own sense of preservation has become diluted.

We must take action before it's too late.

Microplastics have filled the blood of young and old.

The wealthy can easily keep our world clean.

It's not so hard to do something so bold.

Yet they rather not lose their precious green.

We live on a planet that is dying.

For you to deny that you would be lying. 


This sonnet is about humanities negligence to the planet we live on especially by those who can do something about it. I wrote this because I'm sick of people just letting our only hope at our future die due to money, hence the name corruption as money corrupts all. This follows the form of the sonnet using the rhymes on staggered lines and in structure. That means it uses three quatrains and eight couplets as it should.