MLHW'S Introduction!

About Me

Hello I am RaptorMocha/MLHW! I'm 22 and have a strong interest in literature and writing. I first became interested in literature and writing as a whole in or around third grade. I used to write a lot around that time and even wrote a 10 page short story, probably wasn’t good but I still am impressed I did that when I was that young. In middle school I fell out of writing as I had moved out here and was pretty depressed for several years up until about a year ago when that passion re-emerged. I have a creative writing certificate from the College of Dupage.

Many things influence my writing style and tone, most predominantly Fallout, Jurassic Park and Star Trek. I like to put the depressing bleak attitude of the former at the forefront with the light optimism of the later against each other to make dark yet hopeful stories. Several other things influence me such as my life and my own troubles like that struggle with depression I went through and still sometimes deal with. 

Hobbies of mine are gaming and collecting. I play a lot of fps, sandbox, open world and roguelike games. I also sometimes dabble with other genres like strategy and soulslike games. The games I play the most are Fallout, Halo, Risk of Rain and Minecraft. On the collecting side of things it’s mostly stuff relating to the games I listed and rocks as I really like geology and paleontology. My ultimate goal with that is to one day own a genuine fossil piece of Velociraptor mongoliensis, a feathered dinosaur from the dromaeosauridae family and or something of Spinosaurus aegyptiacus. Another thing I’d love to collect is an emerald crystal. 

That's all I really have to say for myself as of now as I still have a lot of life to live to add onto my story with.