
Tue. 20 November 2018 - DAY 1

14.00 - 14.10 Welcome

14.10 – 14.40 Keynote Talk Interactive Machine Learning, Andrea Passerini (Univ. of Trento) ●

Session 1

14.40 - 15.00 Theory, Practice, and Legality in Learning Under Fairness Constraints (L.Oneto, M. Donini, M. Pontil) ●

15.00 - 15.20 Twitter Sentiment and Banks’ Financial Ratios: Is There Any Causal Link? (G. Bruno, P. Cerchiello, J. Marcucci, G. Nicola) ●

15.20 - 15.40 Big Data Mining and Machine Learning for Migration Studies (A. Sirbu, L. Pollacci, F. Giannotti, D. Pedreschi) ●

15.40 - 16.00 Machine Learning for Behavioral Modeling (G. Manco, E. Ritacco, G. Pirrò) ●

Coffee Break

16.30 – 17.00 Keynote Talk The AI Black-box Explanation problem, Dino Pedreschi (Univ. of Pisa) ●

Session 2

17.00 - 17.20 Combining Probabilistic Logic Programming with Deep Learning (M. Alberti, E. Bellodi, G. Cota, A.N. Fadja, E. Lamma, F. Riguzzi, R. Zese)

17.20 - 17.40 Visualizing and Understanding Sum-Product Networks (A. Vergari, N. Di Mauro, F. Esposito)

Wed. 21 November 2018 - DAY 2

11.00 - 11.10 Welcome

11.10 - 11.40 Keynote Talk Learning, Inference, and Reasoning with Constraints, Marco Gori (Univ. of Siena) ●

Session 3

11.40 - 12.00 Concept drift detection in graph datastreams (D. Zambon, C. Alippi, L. Livi) ●

12.00 - 12.20 On Filter Size in Graph Convolutional Networks (N. Navarin, D.V. Tran, A. Sperduti)

12.20 - 12.40 From deep to minimalistic neural networks (S. Scardapane, A. Uncini) ●

12.40 - 13.00 Deep neural networks to predict mutagenicity of molecules and to get understanding about possible reasons of toxicity (F. Zanoli, M. Colombetti, G. Gini) ●

Lunch Break

16.30 - 17.00 Keynote Talk Through the looking glass: sheding semantic light on neural decisions, Roberto Basili (Univ. of Roma) ●

17.00 - 17.30 Keynote Talk Adversarial Pattern Recognition, Fabio Roli (Univ. of Cagliari) ●

Thu. 22 November 2018 - DAY 3

11.00 - 11.10 Welcome

11.10 - 11.40 Keynote Talk Optimization for Machine Learning, Marcello Sanguineti (Univ. of Genova) ●

Session 4

11.40 - 12.00 Advancements in Bayesian network structure learning (M. Scanagatta, G. Corani, C. Polpo de Campos, M. Zaffalon) ●

12.00 - 12.20 Machine Learning in Quantum Computing: State of the art and challenges (A. Macaluso, S. Lodi, C. Sartori) ●

12.20 - 12.40 Machine Learning in the real-world: efficiency, sustainability and new applications (N. Noceti, A. Barla, E. De Vito, F. Odone, L. Rosasco, A. Verri) ●

12.40 - 13.00 Machine-learning techniques for the design of innovative and smart materials (A. Bacigalupo, G. Gnecco) ●

Lunch Break

16.30 – 17.00 Keynote Talk The seismic problem: a challenging data set, Giovanni De Gasperis (Univ. of L'Aquila) ●

17.00 - 17.30 Conclusion Remarks (the future of MLDM)

= open challenges presentation (see MLDM 2018 home page for description)