General Research of End-to-End Network and Security
(GREENS) Laboratory

GREENS Laboratory (Pangborn Hall 213)

  • GREENS Laboratory is working on the following research topics:

      • Cyber Security - TAXI server:

          • Artificial Intelligence

          • Infrastructure

      • Blockchain technolocy

          • Medical Data Management

          • Energy Infrastructure

The Internet-of-Things (IoT) is designed to perform intelligent functionalities for smart home and smart cities. However, despite carrying useful and critical data in private/public communication devices, IoT devices have a limited capability for security and privacy. To solve this security issue in the IoT, it has been suggested by prior studies that blockchain technology be combined with the IoT system. Considering the access requests of future IoT devices, we design a new IoT network model and develop AI-based management system that supports the scalability of its IoT network, and accelerates the future IoT network infrastructure.

AI-based Recommendation Algorithm Design for prioritizing objects in a network system

These days, digital information and data are redundantly available on the Internet, which allows people to share knowledge and opportunities. Among the redundant data, users can discern more useful information using recommendation algorithms. For example, the searching engine finds the best available choices by filtering out digital data with keywords in a limited time. In multiple areas, the recommendation algorithms can reduce time and search resources while offering optimal choices or solutions. We are planning to study the recommendation algorithms based on artificial intelligence that improves productivity and efficiency for network systems.

"... Choosing the right objective function for the right problem is extremely important: your network will take any shortcut it can, to minimize the loss;" - from Deep Learning with Python