R resources

Classes, tutorials, resources

This is by no means a complete list, but they are sites or tutorials that I have at least dabbled with and found useful. There is an immense amount of training materials around R scattered across the web, some of it more geared to Tidyverse and some of it not.

-Andrew Tran’s online class

-R for Data Science (online book)

-Excel vs R: A Brief Introduction to R

-Aggregating and analyzing data with dplyr

-Storybench is compiling lots of useful tutorials and tips for working in R.

-How Do I?… A searchable index of tasks and tips collected by data journalist Sharon Machlis. Also check out her book, Practice R for Mass Communication and Journalism.

-Peter Aldous’ Data Analysis with R training materials. This site really opened the door for me. It focuses on the SQL-like capabilities of the dplyr package and using ggplot2 for visualizations and uses real journalism examples.

-Ron Campbell’s Intro to R hands-on class from NICAR18. This one is a little more advanced and uses more Base R than the others.

-Beginner’s guide to R, by Sharon Machlis. This covers a lot of basic ground and provides a ton of useful links

-This tutorial from NICAR18 by Caelinn Barr covers how to scrape data from a website and some other slightly more advanced concepts.

-.Rddj, resources for doing data journalism with R.

-What they forgot to teach you about R

-An introduction to R with hockey data

-How to make beautiful tables in R