Favorite R packages

These are the R packages that I use most often:

Tidyverse - the main toolbox; includes readr, ggplot2, tidyr, stringr and many others

Janitor -great for cleaning column names on import, but has other useful stuff too.

Lubridate - (part of Tidyverse) for working with date fields

Readxl - (part of Tidyverse) for importing Excel files

Tidycensus - for accessing Census data via API

Formattable -- for formatting percents and other things in RMarkdown

Stringr -- string functions

Knitr -- for knitting RMarkdown pages into HTML

kableExtra -- useful for styling tables in RMarkdown pages

ggthemes -- for styling ggplots

RMySQL - for accessing data from a MySQL server

jsonlite -- (part of Tidyverse) for bringing in JSON or exporting a dataframe to JSON