Atsushi Miyauchi

Research Scientist

CENTAI Institute

Email: atsushi.miyauchi AT

Publication Record: Google Scholar Profile / dblp

SNS: LinkedIn / Twitter



I am currently working as a Research Scientist at CENTAI Institue, Turin, Italy. Before joining CENTAI, I was a Research Associate at the Department of Mathematical Informatics of the University of Tokyo. I had spent about three years as a Postdoctoral Researcher at RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project. I received the degree of Doctor of Engineering from Tokyo Institute of Technology in the spring of 2017. 


My research interests include optimization theory and its application to graph mining. In particular, I have developed novel optimization models capturing fundamental graph-mining tasks and designed algorithms with theoretical performance guarantees for those models. My favorite topics include community detection, dense subgraph discovery, correlation clustering, influence maximization, opinion dynamics, and so on. Please see my publications if you are interested. 

Selected Awards

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