January 15th, 2024 - Special Colloquium jointly with the Vienna School of Mathematics (VSM)

Time: 15:00-17:30

Location: University of Vienna, Seminarraum 6 (First floor), Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1, 1090 Wien

ISTA Speaker: Florestan Brunck (Edelsbrunner/Kwan/Wagner groups)
Title: A Fast Algorithm for Turning your Room into a Dojo

Abstract: We revisit how an insightful connection between geometric group theory and theoretical computer science gives the fastest algorithm for domino (or tatami) packing in the plane.

VSM Speaker:  Thibaut Kouptchinsky (TU Wien)
Title: The limits of determinacy in third-order arithmetic

Abstract: This talk is about the foundations of mathematics, studying deter- minacy axioms derived from game theory, with a reverse mathematics point of view. Reverse Mathematics is an endeavour to compare theorems according to the “strength” of the axioms a mathematician needs to prove them.

An extended version of the abstract will be sent out via email.