What does PRISM stand for?

PRISM stands for Physics Research In the Summer Months.

Can I present at PRISM?

If you are a current MIT, Harvard, or Wellesley undergraduate (regardless of where you are conducting your research), or any undergraduate participating in research at an MIT physics lab, you're eligible to give a talk or present a poster at PRISM.

How will I access the talks and posters?

The talks and posters will be presented in person, and the talks will be live-streamed for both virtual and in-person presenters for virtual attendees.

How do I ask the speakers questions?

We will use Slido to collect questions from the virtual audience, and we may have the ability for attendees to join a Zoom link to ask questions. In-person attendees will be able to ask questions directly to the in-person or virtual speakers.

I am concerned about a participant's behavior. What do I do?

We require that all participants abide by our Code of Conduct. We will remove disruptive participants from the conference. If you witness or experience a violation of the Code of Conduct, we request that you submit an online report or email the organizers at prism-organizers@mit.edu.

I don't see my question here.

Either email the organizers at prism-organizers@mit.edu!

I missed a talk, can I still listen to it?

Yes! Recordings will be posted on the Program page.