For the 2019-20 and 2020-21 school years, I served as president for the UTK SIAM student chapter. Working with a diverse student leadership, faculty sponsors, and industry professionals, the position gave me the opportunity to serve UTK students whose interests aligned with those of SIAM. For current information about SIAM UTK visit the chapter's website.

SIAM Faculty Series - Dr. Juan Restrepo (ORNL) - 04/12/21

  • Virtual talk with the new Mathematics in Computation Section Head at ORNL

  • To discuss the mathematics research at ORNL and oportunities for UTK math students

New Student Recruitment - 03/24/21

  • A night to advertise UTK Math to potential new students.

Inaugural Graduate Research Presentation Competition - 03/17&25/21

  • Awards for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place presentations

  • Judged based on ability to articulate the background, interpret the meanining and significance of their results, descibe the essential difficulties of the research, and answer questions

  • Thank you to our judges, Drs. Collins, Frazier, and Manderscheid!

SIAM Alumni Series - Dr. Betsy Heines - 03/12/21

  • Mathematical Statistician at the U.S. Department of Justice

  • Dr. Heines completed her Ph.D. in Mathematical Ecology atUTK in 2017 under the supervision of Dr. Suzanne Lenhart.

SIAM Faculty Series - Dr. Olivia Prosper - 11/17/20

  • Virtual luncheon with Dr. Olivia Prosper

  • Dr. Prosper joined UTK mathematics in the fall of 2019 as an assistant professor with research focus in mathematical biology

  • Cohosted with AWM (Association for Women in Mathematics)

LinkedIn Workshop - 10/09/20

  • Virtual training by Kertesha Riley on the basics of LinkedIn, profile optimization, and networking skills

  • Kertesha is a Career Coach that works with STEM students at UTK through the Center for Career Development & Academic Exploration

SIAM UTK Hosts Dr. James Sunkes - 09/18/20

  • Virtual presentation of Dr. Sunkes's work at Dynetics Inc., a space and defense company in Huntsville, Alabama

  • Dr. Sunkes completed his Ph.D. in mathematics at UTK in 2016 under the advisement of Dr. Stefan Richter

SIAM Faculty Series - Dr. Abner Salgado - 03/05/20

  • Informal luncheon with Dr. Abner Salgado from the mathematics department

  • Dr. Salgado spoke about his career path, his perspective on teaching and research, among many other wonderful stories from his childhood in Guatemala and university in Russia

  • Cohosted with SACNAS UTK

Graduate Student Research Showcase - 11/21/19

  • Graduate students representing the breadth of mathematics research disciplines at UTK spent an evening giving accessible presentations of their research to fellow graduate students

  • Young graduate students were able to familize themselve with the interests of potential advisors as well as get a taste of the quality of research being conducted by UTK mathematics students

  • All in attendance shared a pizza dinner at the conclusion of the presentations

  • See an advertisement of the GSRS and accompanying presentation abstracts here.

43rd SIAM SEAS Annual Meeting - 09/20-22/19

  • SIAM UTK opened the 43rd SIAM SEAS Annual Meeting with a Graduate Student Reception. All students and SIAM Chapter representatives were invited to a pizza reception hosted in Ayres Hall, the main site of the conference and home to the Mathematics Department at UTK

  • SIAM UTK ran the check-in table for the duration of the conference