Call For Papers:

The Mitākṣarā invites original research papers from the research scholars for Volume II, Issue-1 (January-June -2021). The journal considers manuscripts in the following areas – Vedic Literature, Classical Sanskrit Literature, Modern Sanskrit Literature, Āyurvedic Literature, Scientific Literature, Grammar and Linguistics, Indian Philosophy, Poetics and Aesthetics, Religion and any other topics related to Sanskrit Studies.

Instructions for Authors:

  • The research papers should be written in Assamese, Bengali, Rajbanshi/ Kamatapuri, English, Hindi, Manipuri, Nepali or Sanskrit language.

  • Author should submit a doc/docx file.

  • Author must use Times New Roman font for English, Vindra font for Assamese, Rajbanshi/ Kamatapuri, Bengali and Manipuri, Unicode font for Hindi, Nepali and Sanskrit (font size:14 for all languages).

  • Words limit: 2000-4000.

  • Author has to submit a plagiarism free manuscript.

  • Research papers may have the following sections: Title, Affiliation, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Discussion, Conclusion and References.

  • Reference should be prepared in MLA style.

  • Submit manuscript through email at:

  • Author must submit Declaration Form