
Week 8 (25 à 29 mai)

Your Basic Assignment: It's our last week of official French work! For our final assignment, I would like to hear you talk about one of your favorite stuffies!!! A stuffy is "un animal en peluche" or "une peluche". Please choose one from home and tell me these things about him or her:

  • Qu'est-ce que c'est? What is it? Example answer: "C'est un chat"

  • Comment s'appelle ta peluche? What's your stuffy's name? Example: "Il or Elle s'appelle Foufou"

  • Quelle couleur est ta peluche? What colour is your stuffy? Example: Il or Elle est noir(e).

  • Add anything eles if you'd like!

I have made my own video below about a new stuffy my friend made me during quarantine! Check it out and send me a short video with your stuffy, answering as many of the questions above as you can!

I sure hope to see you Monday June 1! Next week you have the option of coming back to school for Monday and Wednesday mornings! We will be doing lots of outside games, hikes, and all sorts of fun stuff!


Week 7 (18 à 22 mai)

🙋🏼‍♀️ Bonjour!

This week I want you to try a new story on Duolingo. But first, many of you are logging in with really strange usernames and I cannot tell who you are! Please go to your profile and enter your proper name. I've got these names that need to be sorted out: tu.8zPhLwlrSLhXc, tu.8zPhLEUb2FmiZ, tu.8zPhLgFzCdUFa. Please change it if this is you!!!

Next, review this vocabulary before starting the story:

  1. argent - money

  2. J'ai besoin - I need

  3. cinéma - theater

  4. étudier - to study

  5. acheter - to buy

  6. du pain - some bread

  7. plus - more

  8. film - movie

  9. voiture - car (in France. You know that in Quebec, they say "auto").


Once you've logged in, go to Stories on the top bar. Choose "I need money!" Follow the prompts from there.

Great job to those who sent me a video or email last week saying that the two meanings for "fille" were "girl" and "daughter"! Très bien!

My question for you: What do you need money for?? Send me an email or video in French. An example might be: "J'ai besoin d'argent pour une nouvelle voiture" ou "un chiot" ou "un nouveau manteau"! Whatever you want! Grammar Tip: with "besoin" we always use DE or D' immediately after. Also keep up on your Duolinog xp points!

Week 6 (11 à 15 mai)

🙋🏼‍♀️ Bonjour! This week I want you to try these Family flashcards on Duolingo. Follow the link below and you can go straight there. But watch closely! You will need to type some of the words out, so pay attention to how they are spelled when you first see them! And pay attention to whether they are "le" or "la". Level Six is quite hard because it uses British words for "stroller and diaper", which are called "pram and nappy" in British English!

Flashcards on Family. Click on the stack of family cards to begin.

Great job to those who sent me a video or email saying they knew the jacket in last week's story was referred to as "elle" becasue the jacket is feminine! The jacket is a "she"!! Great work!

My question for you: The French word "fille" has two meanings in French. What are they? Send me an email or video!

Week 5 (4 à 8 mai)

🙋🏼‍♀️ Bonjour!

Merci to Michael who sent in an amazing stop motion video using some of the new vocab words from last week's story! Here's a link to see what he did! Michael's French video

Congrats to Timothy who now has 929 xp in Duolingo! Zach is not far behind with 595! Keep it up!

Your main assignment is to go to Duolingo and listen to the story: "In the Clothing Store". If you don't remember how to log in to Duolingo, it's in Week 2 below.

French 4 Duolingo

  • Log into Duolingo. Choose "stories" in the list along the top

  • Find "In the Clothing Store"

  • Listen to the story and answer the questions it asks. Read the vocab below first:

  • There is some new vocab in this story:

    1. magasin - store
    2. chers - expensive
    3. veste - jacket
    4. parfaite - perfect
    5. cents - hundred
    6. euros - Euros (the money they use in France)
    7. trop - too
    8. bientot - soon
    9. travailles - work
    10. acheter - buy
    11. ces - these

My question for you: Why do they refer to the jacket as "elle"? Send me an email or video!

Week 4 (27 avril à 1 mai)

🙋🏼‍♀️ Bonjour! Merci to Michael who sent in a great sentence using one of the new vocab words from last week's story! Congrats to Timothy who got 747 xp in Duolingo last week!

Your main assignment is to go to the AIM portal and read along with a new reader called "Simon le grincheux"

  • Log into the AIM Student Portal and click "Digital Primary French Library Pack". Remember your username is your first name and last name with a dash in between (no capitals, no spaces). Example: trisha-reimer. Your password is AIM (all capitals).

Link here: AIM Student Portal

  • Find the book called "Simon le grincheux". Listen to the man as he reads the book, following the words with your eyes.

  • Listen a second time, but speak out loud. Be sure to click "Mark Complete" after the book is done or I won't get a record that you've done it. You can slow down the speaking speed by clicking in the top left hand corner of the video. It should say "100%". A dropdown box will appear and you can alter the speed in order to speak along!

  • There is some new vocab in this story:

    1. le beau temps - beautiful weather
    2. serre les poings et il montre les dents - tightens the fists and shows the teeth
    3. nuageux - cloudy
    4. tempêtes - storms
    5. gants - gloves
    6. un vent - a wind
    7. claquer les dents - chatter the teeth
    8. roues - cartwheels
    9. les brises - breeze
    10. tornades et les ouragans - tornados and hurricanes
    11. visage - face
    12. un vélo - a bike
    13. un toit - a roof
    14. son coeur - his heart
    15. Simon se rend compte - Simon realizes
    16. un poteau - a pole
    17. rendre sain et sauf - return safe and sound

Please send a video of you using one of these new vocab words in a simple French sentence!

Keep working on Duolingo this week if you have some extra time.

French 4 Duolingo

Week 3 (20 à 24 avril)

🙋🏼‍♀️ Bonjour! I want you to keep working on Duolingo this week if you have some extra time.

French 4 Duolingo

Otherwise, your main assignment is to go to the AIM portal and read along with a new reader called "Jean Michel Acrobate"

  • Log into the AIM Student Portal and click "Digital Primary French Library Pack". Remember your username is your first name and last name with a dash in between (no capitals, no spaces). Example: trisha-reimer. Your password is AIM (all capitals).

Link to AIM Student Portal

  • Find the book called "Jean Michel Acrobate". Listen to Wendy as she reads the book, following the words with your eyes.

  • Listen a second time, but speak out loud with Wendy. Be sure to click "Mark Complete" after the book is done or I won't get a record that you've done it. You can slow down the speaking speed by clicking in the top left hand corner of the video. It should say "100%". A dropdown box will appear and you can alter the speed in order to speak along!

  • There is some new vocab in this story:

    1. cadeau - present

    2. argent - money

    3. chemise - shirt (not the folders we use in class, but same word)

    4. vieille dame vend des chassures - old lady sells some shoes (this word for shoes that we use "souliers" is from Quebec)

    5. la roue - cartwheel

    6. concours - contest

    7. magasin - store

    8. achète - buy

If you can, please send me a video or photo of you doing this assignment, or a video of you using one of these new vocab words in a simple French sentence!

Week 2 (Deuxième Semaine)

🙋🏼‍♀️ Bonjour! I want you to set up an account on Duolingo! Click this link to get to my classroom page:

French 4 Duolingo

  • Enter your username and password. They are made automatically for you and are listed below. You will need to click on the list below and open before you can copy and paste.

  • Please do the Placement Test first (green circle)

  • After that, you can do as little or as much as you like! I'll be able to monitor your progress!

  • Be sure to send me an email if you find things on Duolingo you don't understand!

That's it for now!


Week 1 (Première Semaine)

🙋🏼‍♀️ Bonjour! I want you to get settled into your other school work this week, so I am not assigning much for French. We are all learning a new way to do school, so I don't want to add too much to your plate! So for this week, I only want you to log onto the AIM site and watch the video titled "les couleurs". Here's how you do it:

Log on to the AIM site! The address is Your user name is your first name and last name separted by a dash. For example, mine would be trisha-reimer. No capitals! Your password is AIM.

  • Start your lesson by clicking "les vidéos"

  • Choose the video called "les couleurs"

  • Make sure to press "submit" once you are done the video so I can see!

  • In your journal, write down all the colours in an arc-en-ciel! 🌈 . Then name one thing, in French, for each of those colours. For example: rouge - une fleur. Spelling doesn't matter!

That's it for now!

Bonne Chance!