Hello .......... School work May 6th to May 8th

Welcome back everyone and hope you all had a lovely long weekend. This is a 3 day week so I'm putting in mainly language based activities for this week and we will go back to reading next week.

I have a favour to ask .... If possible could you please add a packet of cheap spaghetti and a bag marshmallows to your shopping list for Friday's STEM activity! no problem at all if it doesn't suit. There are lots of other things they can do in the Aistear section

The children are also going to do some narrative writing based on some nursery rhymes. We will be looking at setting and characters, problems and solutions.

As usual please remember to watch some Irish cartoons on TG4 ........ School Hub on RTE2 and Cula ar Scoil on TG4

Wednesday 6th of May

This week we are going to concentrate on saying some of our favourite nursery rhymes, making a story map and retelling them in our own words and doing a little writing if possible or else ask your child to dictate the story and you could write a few sentences for them. The above videos explain it really well.

Here is the link to bring you in to the GillExplore log in page

Literacy: Open up the Oral Language and Interactive Resources section. Unit 5 Have a quick look again at the Language poster just to refresh our memories. The Estate agent, play some of the games again especially the ones you may have found tricky last Friday and today we will concentrate on the sorting activities based on the ue sound and the er sound. Have a look at the 2 little videos below if you need a reminder of what they sound like.

Writing Copy ..... This week we will concentrate on creating the story maps in our copy and maybe writing a few simple sentences after each one.. Making the story map is the most important thing..... say the rhyme ....... Little Miss Muffet. Now say it again please but think about the narrative

Little Miss Muffet (character) sat on her tuffet (setting) eating her curds and whey (action) along came a spider and sat down beside her (problem ) and frightened Miss Muffet away (solution)

Now ask your child to retell the rhyme in their own words and then draw a a simple story map please? remember how they did it the one of the first video's you watched today .......... draw the characters, draw the setting and then draw what happened in the beginning, the middle and the end. Now ask your child to retell the story of the nursery rhyme in their own words, adding in some extra details to make the story exciting and perhaps you could write out the story for your child beside the story map if you have time..... for example

One day little miss muffet was sitting on her tuffet. She was enjoying the lovely sunshine and having a picnic of curds and whey. They were her favourite food. All of a sudden a big ugly spider came and sat beside her. The spider gave miss muffet a terrible fright. She ran away as quickly as she could so the spider could not scare her any more.

Just Phonics: Page 76 Practice reading the words ..... how many did you get right? Now enjoy an adventure in Space!

Maths: Figure it Out. Page 58. Using a number line to count on.... Look at this video first please. Then use your finger or a pencil to hop along the yellow and red number lines in your book.

Story time.......

Thursday 7th May

Literacy...... go back to the Oral Language and Resources Section in Unit 5 and play some of the games for 5 or 10 minutes..... can you do them faster than yesterday? Listen to the Interactive poem a few times..... Can you add in some actions? Now we do this at school all the time... can you say the poem in an excited voice like someone who is excited to build a new house... now try a hopeful voice - some one who is dreaming of building a new house. What are the rhyming words in this story? pick any room in a house and name all the things you would need to furnish it. Our story yesterday was A Squash and a Squeeze by Julia Donaldson... can you remember the furniture she had in her tiny house?

Writing Copy : say the poem Humpty Dumpty. Now say it again but think about the story map. now can you draw the story map for this rhyme. Characters and setting at the top of the page and then draw the beginning, middle and end. can you tell the story in your own words. Use some words to describe Humpty, can you say why he was sitting on the wall? How did all the kings men feel at the end? Can you write a sentence for the beginning, middle and end...... I am so excited to see to see this copy when you get back to school. I am thinking already of the lovely treats i will have to get for everyone for working so hard at their Literacy skills.

Just Phonics Page 77 write each word under the picture. and then change the first letter to make a rhyming word

Maths Page 59 of your Figure it Out .... At the shop.... Can you make up some more sums of your own? for example How much would 2 apples cost? What if I bought 4 cupcakes etc etc? Ask permission to look at some coins and see how you could pay for the items in the shop? What coins would you need to buy a pear? the orange? the chocolate bar?

A Story to finish off

Friday 8th May

SESE. Explore with me Page 53 Neil Armstrong..... Watch this video

Ask your child to imagine what it was like to Neil Armstrong when he walked on the moon. Can they remember 5 Interesting facts about Neil Armstrong. Go tell them to someone else in the house or phone a friend or relative and tell them! Now do Page 53 please.

Do some of your favourite activities on the Gill website.........

STEM challenge: try it outside if you don't too big a mess.!

Build a tall tower with spaghetti and marshmallows. The videos are excellent and your child might enjoy following on and trying out some of the shapes. Your child might find building a tower difficult..... I know I certainly did but it will be fun experimenting and they can build whatever structure that they want. It is just to get them thinking outside the box and making lots of mistakes til they find something that works!

2 lovely stories to finish off the week

I chose this story for 2 reasons..... i love pasta and because I hope you had fun doing the spaghetti challenge. I also love the Italian accent that the reader uses when she is telling the story.

I picked this story because it has beautiful illustrations and it is such a nice narrative story like we have been discussing all week. with great characters, a problem and a solution..... and because I love a happy ending!!

Would you like an Indoor Scavenger Hunt?

Find a fork

Find something that is red

Find a tissue box

Find 3 things that have wheels

Find an orange crayon

Find something that is very soft

Find a plaster

Find a key]

Find 2 socks that match

Find something round

Find a sticker

Find a rubber band

Find a pair of glasses

Find an envelope

Aistear Activities

Role Play.......pretend you are an estate agent showing a client around your house! Pretend you are a buyer looking around your house and you are thinking of buying it! set up an estate agents office and make some posters like we had at school advertising houses for sale or rent..... remember it might be a castle, a house boat an apartment... what ever you like!

Construction: build a house boat, build a house on stilts, make a yurt!

Art: Draw some plans for your dream house! Raid the recycling bin and make some 3D models .... a sky scraper, a caravan park, a castle!

Sensory Play. Sort out the laundry basket. practice folding some clothes, wash and rinse a pair of socks, hang things on the washing line. Do some cleaning. Dust and sweep and get your room looking spick and span!!!

Small World: Go outside if possible and collect some pebbles and sticks, grass etc and get some toy machinery and create a small construction site..... you might need traffic lights. Have you got some action figures to be builders, architects, foreman etc? Get some old toilet roll inserts and draw faces on them if you don't have any toy figures!

Thank you everyone for all your hard work this week. I hope you enjoyed the interactive resources and stories. Let me know what were your favourite activities and I will try put in some more next week.

Take Care,

Miss Noonan.