School Work June 8th to 12th

Welcome back...... Our Literacy theme this week is The Campsite

We are nearly at the end of our school year and I'm putting up some nice Literacy activities and some practical maths activities for the next week If your child likes doing their activity books please continue and do whatever pages are left over the next two weeks. If your child is allergic to the books and writing and colouring just put the books away in a safe place for next year. Whatever works best for you both! I would be delighted if they could do a bit of reading and counting each day and anything after that is completely up to you. There are some lovely practical playing ideas based around the theme of the campsite that will be just as beneficial to your child as sitting down doing writing work.

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Go to Unit 9 and the Oral Langauage and Interactive Resources section as usual.

Please look at the poster, discuss it and then listen to it in Story Mode

Tongue twister...... Five fast Foxes Flew Through The Forest!

Listen to the poem a few times..... can you learn it off by heart by Friday???

Play some of the Interactive games going with this section. Play 1 or 2 a day or play the all...... whatever suits best

Then go to Genre Reader eBook ....... Fun at the Campsite..... look at the pictures and then listen to the story


Find something that is a circle ....... find the number 20 in a book....... Find a pencil and a crayon, which is longer?...... Find a rectangle and draw it. ,,,,,,,, Find 5 3D shapes(cube,cuboids, cylinders,pyramids) ........ Find a pattern in your house and copy it! Measure yourself!

SESE..... open up page 62 and 63 in your Explore With Me......

Please read the following very short story to read to your child .............

Hi, My name is Fionn. I went on a camping trip. It was sooooo much fun. First we had to pack up the car. We packed some clothes, our tent, our sleeping bgs and some food. When we arrived at the campsite we had to pitch our tent. This is a difficult job so we all had to help. When the tent was uspp we went for a long walk in the forest. We saw lots of trees. My dad played hide and seek with me. We were very hungry after our walk so Mam and Dad lit the campfire and we cooked our dinner on it. We ate sausages and beans. After dinner Dad took out his guitar and we sang songs. We toasted marshmallows on long sticks. When it was bedtime we snuggled in to our sleeping bags and went to sleep in the tent.

When you have listened to the story can you draw the missing part sof the story in your book

Story ....... Pete the Cat Goes Camping!



Look at the Poster again today but this time in Explore Mode.... remember to play the I spy game and answer the 10 questions.

Practice the poem and the tongue twister

Play a few of the games!

Listen to the Genre Story eBook again today please. Could you write a postcard to someone telling them about a trip that you went on?


Find 5 things in your house that have 4 corners ........Find 5 things that are bigger than your hand ....... Find 5 things that are smaller than your hand ,,,,,, Count all your soft toys ......count all your toys that are in boxes ....... count all the toys that are scattered around your house and then tidy them all up!!

SESE ... using a compass..... listen and join in with the song a few times and then do Explore with Me page 64

Can you think of other things that we use to show us what direction we are going.

Can you design a treasure map for your garden?

Story Topsy and Tim go Camping!



Look at the poster again today and this time use your senses.......... what can you see, hear, taste, touch and feel in this picture?

Practise the poem and the tongue twister.

Play some of the Interactive Games please

Look at the Non Fiction Reader eBook ..... Camping .... lovely ideas for discussion on the inside front and back covers. Look at the pictures, listen to the story but then please encourage your child to read it by themselves and sound out unfamiliar words


Find 5 things make a loud noise...... Now find 5 things that don't make any noise ...... find 3 things that smell nice and now 3 things that don't smell nice ...... Find 4 things that are longer than your leg and 4 things that are shorter. Count every thing in your house that has legs ..... people, pets, chairs, tables etc

SESE to find mini beasts outside!

Go on a mini beast hunt and then please do page 65 of Explore with Me

Story ...

Mad about Minibeasts, a book about all the different minibeasts! How many do your recognise?

A really fun brain break about Herman the Worm! One of my favourites! Check it out!



Look at the Fiction Reader eBook ...... Let's Go Camping! again there are lovely teaching points in the inside front and back covers. Look at the pictures, listen to the story and then encourage your child to read it by themselves.

Remember to practice the poem and the tongue twister and to play some of the interactive games ........


Set a 10 minute timer on a phone or cooker and go on a number hunt inside and outside your house. Write down all the numbers you find. When you are finished making your list count how many of each number you found!

SESE..... A holiday in the past......Look at page 67 of Explore with Me

Talk to a grandparent or an older person about a holiday they went on a long time ago..... explain to your child that they are like a newspaper reporter... they have to come up with the questions and record the answers.

Story .... Curious George goes camping


This weeks story is called Herman's Holiday

As usual please ask your child to look at the cover and predict what they think the story might be about..... and then watch the story. After watching ... please ask your child what was their favourite part of story and why?


Watch Tom Percival the author and illustrator of today's story draw Herman and then have a go at doing it yourself!

PE .....

Cosmic Kids Yoga .... The very hungry caterpillar

STEM ...... this looks like great fun ..... build a balloon car!

AISTEAR Play Activities based on Camping

Area 1: Socio-dramatic Play

Campsite Role-Play

Setting up the area

Before setting up a campsite space at home. Make a list of items you would need. Talk about what people need to pack when they go camping. Discuss the activities people do at a campsite.

Gathering resources

• ‘Campsite’ heading

• Price list

• Campsite Rule poster

• Picnic Spot poster

• Woodland Walks sign

• Signs: toilets, showers, barbeque, campfire

• Badges for campsite staff

• Postcard temples

• Booking forms

• Campers Feedback form

You might need!

• Table for reception area

• Tent

• Woodland animal teddies

• Binoculars, camera, mobile phone

• Coniferous tree (artificial Christmas tree without decorations)

• Torches

• Some music instruments, e.g. a guitar

• Picnic basket and food

• Cardboard box with grill tray for barbeque

• Wood for pretend campfire

Note: This is a flexible list. A cardboard box or tube can work as anything in the imaginary world.

Possible play scenarios

The children can play away freely but here are a few ideas if they are stuck ....... pretend to

• Check in at reception

• Pitch the tent

• Go fishing

• Read a book in the tent

• Cook food on the fire

• Prepare a picnic

• Look out for wild animals and make sure the food is kept away from them

• Take the dog for a walk

• Tell stories and play guitar by the campfire

• Adapting to changes in the weather accordingly.

Area 2: Construction

Building a Pretend Campfire

Children create a pretend bonfire using construction blocks. Small yellow and red blocks could be put in as flames, or alternatively scrunched-up yellow and red paper could be used.

Build Wooden Cabins

The campsite manager has decided to start renting out cabins. Provide the children with craft sticks, glue and black paper. The children make 2D cabins with the sticks, leaving room for a window and a door.

Area 3: Art Area

Create a Pet Rock

The children are asked to bring in a small, smooth rock to create their pet rock. They then stick on googly eyes and draw on a mouth/nose using a marker. They can decorate it with glitter/as they wish. At the end of the week, when everyone in the class has made a pet rock, they could be hidden outside and the children could search for them in the natural environment.

Area 4: Sensory Play

Forest Sensory Bin

Encourage the children to use their senses and imaginations as the play with the materials provided: plastic woodland animals, spruce tree branches, pieces of pine bark, small sticks, and green moss.

Reading at a Campsite ...... I love this idea

Drape a sheet over a table and allow the children to go underneath with torches to read the books provided.

Area 5: Small World

Small World River

Provide the children with a water tub, pebbles, plastic frogs, plastic fish, etc. Allow them to free-play with the materials creating a river environment.

Small World Mini-beasts

Encourage the children to use their imagination to act out scenes in the small world with mini-beasts. Working at the sand play table, they can be provided with plastic bugs, sticks, moss and encouraged to create an environment for the mini-beasts.