Leadership is defined as the process of influencing a group of people to achieve a vision or goal and desired outcome (Kloustiniotis, Mihail, Mylones & Pateli, 2022). There are several types of leadership and leaders can be identified based on their skills, attitude, and behavior. Having worked in a radiology department for almost four years now I have realized that I identify myself as an ethical leader.

Ethical leadership is defined as leaders that show normatively appropriate behavior and promote followers' conduct such as honesty, trustworthiness, fairness, care, two-way communication, discipline, and decision making (Jeon, Park, Choi & Kim, 2018). This type of leadership is about establishing a culture where there's an epidemic of kindness, and good judgment and where individuals feel committed to the shared daily work of giving excellent, safe, and compassionate care (Gillet, Fouquereau, Coillot, Bonnetain, Dupont, Moret, et al., 2018).

I identify with this leadership style because I believe I am a moral person and I always consider ethical principles when making decisions. Wood, Eid & Agag (2018) describes a moral person as a person who poses characteristics such as integrity, trustworthiness, and honesty while making decisions that are in line with the principles of ethics. I am more concerned about serving the greater good, and being concerned about means not just ends.

Similar to ethical leadership, transformational leadership also captures the aspect of a moral person and ethical behavior (Wood et, al., 2018). However, I do not identify with this leadership style because transformational leadership focuses on improving employees' development, maintaining competitiveness, and encouraging employee innovative behavior (Tosun, Parvez, Bilim & Yu, 2022).

Ethical leaders have a great level of ethics, recognize the importance of ethics, and exhibit leadership behavior where the interests of the stakeholders and the organization's long-term interests are taken into account (Wood et, al., 2021). While transformational leaders go beyond self-interest and demonstrate intellectual stimulation, inspirational motivation, and individualized consideration (Abbas & Ali, 2021).