SAP (Student Assistance Program)

Green Valley Elementary School

Are you worried about your child or student?... GV SAP might be able to help!

SAP’s Mission

Our mission is to work with students and their families by providing any necessary information, prevention, and intervention services. These services assist in breaking down barriers that may interfere with students’ success in school, at home, or in the community.

SAP stands for “Student Assistance Program”. The Student Assistance Program (SAP) is a PA state mandated program that provides school and community referrals to our students and their families regarding emotional and behavioral needs that may interfere with success at school. A student assistance team is placed in schools to build a bridge between our children’s families, their schools, and their community.


It is NOT a disciplinary action. It is a supportive approach to help our students and their families move through any barriers that interfere with their ability to learn.

Who can refer to SAP?

Anyone can refer a student they are concerned about. School staff members, friends, family of the student, and even the student themselves can submit a SAP referral.

What kind of behaviors MIGHT warrant a SAP referral?

-Withdrawing from families, friends, and/or school

-Changing friends; no longer spending time with old friends

-Unexplained physical injuries

-Talking about suicide

-Depression and/or anxiety

-Defying authority at home and/or school

-Acting aggressively

-Peer pressure

-Attendance concerns

-Behaviors that interfere with learning

-Sudden changes in grades, eating, or sleeping

The first step

If a child is referred to SAP, a member of the SAP team will make a phone call to the child's parent or guardian. Once permission is granted by a parent or guardian, the SAP team may provide a variety of interventions, including a comprehensive assessment to assist in finding community health based services and/or school based support groups. This may include groups geared toward:

Social skills

Grief and Loss

Changing Families

Anger management

Siblings of children with special circumstances

And more!

The Process:

  1. A student is referred to the SAP team

  2. The team secures parent permission at school

  3. The team gathers objective information

  4. The SAP liaison from Caron Foundation will complete an assessment and develop a plan of action

  5. The team and parents meet to discuss and create a plan to implement recommendations

  6. Follow up meetings are held at regular intervals to track progress and offer additional support as needed

SAP Team Members include:

Dr. Maffei-School Counselor

Miss Frees- School Counselor

Mrs. Hunter- Nurse

Mrs. Scolastico- IST teacher

SAP liaison from the Caron Foundation

Mr. Stenger- Principal

Mrs. Kann- Teacher on Special Assignment (TOSA)

Ms. Garcia- School Social Worker

GV office 610-670-0180 ext. 2810

Mr. Stenger, principal, stejon@share.wilsonsd.org

Dr. Shab Maffei, school counselor K-2, mafsha@share.wilsonsd.org

Miss Amanda Frees, school counselor 3-5, freama@share.wilsonsd.org

Click here to fill out a REFERRAL FORM.