
Your creativity has always been my favorite part of your teaching. Of course, you are also 100% personable as well.
AND you were the best co-teacher ever!!!! --Charlotte Gardner, former co-worker

My favorite thing was how personal you can be to all of us, like "Parp," and also how you weren’t just a boring ELA teacher. You gave us weird quirky ways to learn, like Professor Oxford comma and the semi-colon's 'roid rage, and didn’t just give us work sheets and all that Jazz. --Kat Hamilton, former student

After screaming at each other over an inferencing worksheet, I gave up and called Miss Emily. She helped explain the concept to my daughter and gave me some strategies to help. If your kid needs consistent tutoring or just an occasional bit of extra help call Em. It is way more effective than screaming at each other. --Amy Etheridge, mother of two

For all those working-at-home-full-time parents who need a hand with this remote schooling fun stuff...Emily has two hands and they know what they're doing. Call her. Pay her. She is brilliant.
--Nina Korkus, mother of two

Parents, if you need help managing your child’s virtual learning, consider my friend Emily! She’s a longtime teacher and lifetime learner, who can relate to different personalities and needs.
--Laura Bomer, mother of four

Anyone looking for tutoring for their child with an awesome teacher, here you go! Miss Emily is a friend of mine and I can vouch for how truly spectacular she is.
Felica Lauderbaugh, mother of two

If you’re looking for a little extra help with your kids’ education this year, reach out to Miss Emily!
Sara Postalwait, mother of four