
Services Offered

Five main services are offered:

  • Content Support for all subjects and grade levels;

  • Supplemental Instruction for all subjects and grade levels;

  • Test Preparation & Project Support Programs;

  • Time Management Support; and

  • Online Assignment Monitoring.

Services can be bundled and tailored to meet the specific needs of each student, and some sessions can be shared by a group of students enrolled in the same course. Please don't hesitate to contact me in order to create a plan tailor-made for your student or group of students.
All services are offered online in order to increase session availability, decrease session cost, and protect the health of clients.

In order to be able to provide complete support, I will need:

  • an introductory interview with the student and a parent to establish expectations and identify areas of need;

  • students to be prompt and prepared for sessions;

  • access to student's teachers, school, online grades, etc.;

  • documentation of school and class policies; and

  • pre-payment for services.

Content Support

Students receive assistance with their teacher-assigned curriculum through mini-lessons and guided practice based on individual needs and assignments. Content support sessions are typically used for students who struggle with course material, but they are also extremely beneficial to students who clash with their classroom teacher. It is important that students have their current assignments, supplemental handouts, and questions about the work ready in order to maximize the value of the tutorial session.

$50 for individual tutorial sessions.
Discounted rates available for groups of students seeking support in the same class.

Supplemental Instruction

Individually-tailored sessions are crafted based on the needs of the student in order to help them reach their full potential. Supplemental instruction sessions can be used to fill learning gaps during the school year, to help prepare students for upcoming courses, or to reteach courses in which students struggled.

$75 for individual tutorial sessions.
Discounted rates available for groups of students seeking support in the same area.

Test Preparation & Project Support

Test-specific preparation programs address the specific content as well as test-taking strategies for a variety of tests: STAAR, SAT, ACT, and GRE to name a few. Instruction includes mini-lessons, notes, and guided practice.

Project support programs are individually-tailored and provide guidance in all aspects of the project: time-management, assignment chunking, scheduling, analyzing assignment requirements, etc. Sessions can be used for summer reading assignments, Project-Based Learning assignments, and other long-term projects.

These programs are available throughout the year and group sessions are encouraged.

$75 for individual tutorial sessions.
Discounted rates available for groups of students seeking support in the same area.

Time Management Support (for Virtual and In-Person Learners)

Students will learn how to maintain a daily planner and use it to assist them with time and assignment management. We will review what has been assigned, evaluate assignment requirements and deadlines, and create a prioritized work schedule in Google Docs. It is suggested that students maintain a physical daily planner book as well.

Can be scheduled as often as needed.

$30 per session. $135 for 5 sessions per week.
Group rates available for students enrolled in the same course.

Online Assignment Monitoring

Daily online-gradebook checks will be made Monday-Friday to monitor assignment submission and performance. Students and/or parents can choose to receive alerts for:

  • Missing assignments

  • Low grades

  • Opportunities for re-submission of assignments

Parents must provide full access to online grade reporting systems and school/teacher grading policies.

$50/wk, $750/semester