
Teaching Philosophy

A teacher plays the fundamental role of creating a transformative learning experience for students, by introducing them to new knowledge in ways that can meaningfully advance their careers. Transformative learning can occur in a classroom (whether in face-to-face or online settings) when students personally engage with a subject and perceive it to be directly relevant to their own lives. In this regard, understanding the diversity among students in terms of their educational background and their learning styles is a key to towards creating this transformative experience. I work closely with students to understand this diversity and stimulate student engagement in the classroom. While students must take responsibility for their own learning, a teacher can certainly inspire the desire to learn.

Courses Taught

Strategic Sourcing

As companies strive to balance efficiency with resiliency, sourcing managers have an important strategic role in designing a supply chain that supports and delivers on the business strategy. This course explores how strategic sourcing leads to more innovative products, better customer solutions, faster time-to-market, lower total cost, increased revenues, enhanced organizational reputation, and ultimately sustainable competitive advantage through the supply network. 

Data Analysis and Statistics for Managers

What is data?  What does data tell me about past and present events in business and society? And how can I use data to make effective decisions?  In this course, we attempt to address these fundamental questions by taking a closer look at the world of statistics. This course is designed to provide students with an understanding of and an ability to apply exploratory data analysis, basic inferential procedures, and regression in a business or management setting. 

Project Management

Managers are increasingly involved in the management of projects that involve the development of information systems, new products and processes, or infrastructure for the public or private sector.  This course focuses on various areas of project management such as project organizations, teams, scheduling, cost control, earned value analysis, and risk management. On completing the course, you will have an improved understanding of the complex, dynamic, and multi-dimensional issues in project management. 

Managing Technologies in the Supply Chain

This course will prepare you for (i) making well-informed technology choice decisions; (ii) managing the development and implementation of technologies; and (iii) engaging in crisis management and problem-solving during technology development and implementation. Contemporary topics such as big data analytics applications to supply chain management; technology project management as it relates to offshoring and nearshoring; and managing technologies in the context of global supply chains will be covered in the course.