Research Interests
My research interests derive from contemporary issues in the areas of innovation, public health supply chains, public sector operations, and emerging markets. Across each line of inquiry, my research reflects a theoretically-grounded empirical approach wherein I use appropriate data sources and rigorous econometric techniques to derive useful findings for theory and practice.
Published Papers
Lee B, A Mishra. 2024. Lost Time in Crowdsourcing Contests. Information Systems Research. Forthcoming.
Roy D, A Mishra, KK Sinha. 2024. Evaluating the Inclusion of Small Businesses in Public Procurement: Evidence from U.S. Federal Government R&D Contracts. Production & Operations Management. Forthcoming.
Karimi, A., A. Mishra, K. Natarajan, K.K. Sinha. Towards Advancing Women’s Health in Least Developed Countries: Evaluating Contraceptive Distribution Models in Senegal. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management. Forthcoming.
Roehrich JK, A Davies, BB Tyler, A Mishra, E Bendoly. 2024. Large Inter-Organizational Projects (LIPs): Toward an Integrative Perspective and Research Agenda on Inter-organizational Governance. Journal of Operations Management 70(1), 4-21.
Bockstedt J, C Druehl, A Mishra. 2022. Incentives and Stars: Competition in Innovation Contests with Participant and Submission Visibility. Production & Operations Management 31(3), 1372-1393.
Adbi A, C Chatterjee, A Mishra. 2022. How do MNEs and Domestic Firms Respond Locally to a Global Demand Shock? Evidence from a Pandemic. Management Science 68(12), 9003-9025.
Roy D, A Mishra, KK Sinha. 2022. Taxing the Taxpayers: An Empirical Study on Rebaselining in U.S. Federal Government Technology Programs. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 24(1), 370-391.
Adbi A, X Liu, A Mishra. 2022. The Firm Productivity Implications of Technology Licensing: Evidence from Developing Economy Manufacturing Firms. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 24(1), 370-391.
Karimi A, A Mishra, K Natarajan, KK Sinha. 2021. Managing Commodity Stock-outs in Public Health Supply Chains in Developing Countries. Production & Operations Management 30(9) 3116-3142.
Mishra A, T Browning. 2020. Editorial: The Innovation and Project Management Department in the Journal of Operations Management. Journal of Operations Management 66(6), 616-621.
Menon N, A Mishra, S Ye. 2020. Beyond Related Experience: Upstream versus Downstream Experience in Innovation Contest Platforms with Interdependent Problem Domains. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 22(5), 869-1106.
Mishra A, KK Sinha, S Thirumalai, A Van de Ven. 2020. Sourcing Structure and the Execution of Technology Projects: A Comparative Evaluation of Project Efficiency. Journal of Operations Management 36, 187-200.
Liu X, A Mishra, S Goldstein, KK Sinha. 2019. Towards Improving Factory Working Conditions in Developing Countries: An Empirical Analysis of Bangladesh Ready-Made Garment Factories. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 21(2), 379-397.
Adbi A, C Chatterjee, M Drev, A Mishra. 2019. When the Big One Came: A Natural Experiment on Demand Shock and Market Structure in India's Influenza Vaccine Markets. Production & Operations Management 28(4), 810-832.
Mishra A, KK Sinha, S Thirumalai. 2017. Project Quality: The Achilles Heel of Offshore Technology Projects? IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 64(3), 272-286.
Bockstedt J, C Druehl, A Mishra. 2016. Heterogeneous Submission Behavior and its Implications for Winning in Innovation Contests with Public Submissions. Production & Operations Management 25(7), 1157-1176.
Mishra A, S Das, J Murray. 2016. Risk, Process Maturity, and Project Performance: An Empirical Analysis of US Federal Government Technology Projects. Production & Operations Management 25(2), 210-232.
Mishra A, KK Sinha. 2016. Work Design and Integration Glitches in Globally Distributed Technology Projects. Production & Operations Management 25(2), 347-369.
MacCormack A, A Mishra. 2015. Managing the Performance Tradeoffs from Partner Integration: Implications of Contract Choice in R&D Projects. Production & Operations Management 24(10), 1552-1569.
Bockstedt J, C Druehl, A Mishra. 2015. Problem-solving Effort and Success in Innovation Contests: The Role of National Wealth and National Culture. Journal of Operations Management 36, 187-200.
Mishra A, A Chandrasekaran, A MacCormack. 2015. Collaboration in Multi-Partner R&D Projects: The Impact of Scale and Scope. Journal of Operations Management 33-34, 1-14.
Chandrasekaran A, A Mishra. 2012. Structure, Context, and Psychological Safety: An Empirical Analysis of R&D Projects in High Technology Organizations. Production & Operations Management 21(6), 977-996.
Verma D, A Mishra, KK Sinha. 2011. The Development and Application of a Process Model for R&D Project Management in a High Technology Firm: A Field Study. Journal of Operations Management 29(5), 462-476.
Mishra A, R Shah. 2009. In Union Lies Strength: Collaborative Competence in New Product Development and its Performance Effects. Journal of Operations Management 27(4), 324-338.