Sandwich Folk and Ale Festival, Sunday  3rd July 2022

Performing "Cabin Fever" - learnt virtually in a space 2m x 1m during lockdown!

Enjoying giving a performance of "Princess Royal" to an assorted audience.

In a quirkily named "No Name Street", too!

Three sides all dancing the Lichfield Cotswold dance "Vandals" together!

Black Swan Border Morris (the slightly scary ones in black and purple), Wantsum Morris (jolly entertaining) and Mish Mash Morris (Yup - the colourful tatters).

Loose Women (colourful tatters and flying purple skirts), Offcundums (Green, white and black), plus a couple of Mish Mash all join in with the Border dance, "Tinner's Rabbit".

A wonderful weekend of dancing, and over all too soon. See you all next year!