Morris Festivals, 2020

Virtual Broadwood Day of Dance, Saturday 9th May 2020 

Broadwood Morris Men organized a virtual Day of Dance for this year. We couldn't stay away, could we? So once again, we see a couple of our members dancing "Lockdown Lark" in their back garden. Maybe with a little more attitude! It can be viewed on Broadwood Morris Men's Day of Dance Facebook page, here. (But you may need to log in to Facebook). 

St. George's Day Lone Morris Festival, 25th April 2020, 2:30pm 

Another nationwide Morris Festival when Morris dancers danced alone, or with household members, in their gardens during the covid-19 coronavirus nationwide lockdown.

Here we see two of our members performing "Lockdown Lark", our two person variant of Gog Magog's magnificent "Polychromatic Parrot". Watch it here.

Lone Morris Festival, 21st March 2020, 2:30pm

A nationwide Morris Festival when Morris dancers danced alone, or with members of their household, in their gardens due to the nationwide covid-19 coronavirus lockdown. One of our members attempted "Princess Royal"  accompanied by recorded music and concentration! Watch it here