
2019 - 2022 Ph.D., Tokyo Woman’s Christian University

2017 - 2019 M.A.,  Tokyo Woman’s Christian University

2012 - 2016 B.A.,    Tokyo Woman’s Christian University

Research Experience

2023. 4. - Present Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (PD)

2022. 4. - 2023. 3. Post-doctoral Research Fellow at Tokyo Woman’s Christian University

2018. 4. - 2021. 9. Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (DC1)

Teaching Experience

2023. 4. - Present  Part-time Lecturer, Tokyo Woman’s Christian University

2020. 9. - Present  Part-time Lecturer, The Open University of Japan

2016. 9. - 2020. 7. Teaching Assistant, Tokyo Woman’s Christian University


2022. 4. - 2023. 3. JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Research Activity Start-up (Grant Number: 22K20322)

2018. 7. - 2019. 3. Tokyo Woman's Christian University 2018 Student Research Scholarship

2018. 4. - 2021. 9. JSPS Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows (Grant Number: 18J23316)

2017. 7. - 2018. 3. Tokyo Woman's Christian University 2017 Student Research Scholarship

2016. 7. - 2017. 3. Tokyo Woman's Christian University 2016 Student Research Scholarship

2015. 7. - 2016. 3. Tokyo Woman's Christian University 2015 Student Research Scholarship


Guest Reviewer


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Professional Affiliation