Y e l l o w   D r o p s
O f   S t a r d u s t

Authored by
Miriam Otto

Yellow Drops Of Stardust is a celestial collection of today’s modern poetry, calligraphy, photography and art. It has that unique ability to transport you to the outer boundaries of Earth’s galaxy, meditate in space, dive inside the hearts of people and help you heal from within. Delve into the magic of the universe as Miriam Otto takes you on a journey of healing and restoration.



B o o k   R e v i e w s

We hold so many unknown emotions inside of us and every new person we meet, evokes certain feelings no one else can in the same way. Miriam has always been someone to free the sweetest emotions with her soulful writing. Her poetry is enchanting and uplifting - one can not stop reading - one should not stop reading... Her book 'Yellow Drops Of Stardust' takes its readers into a different realm where one can stay in the heartbeat of every moment - far from worries and sorrows. She is the author of beautiful phrases and the artist of wonderful illustrations... I am truly honored to be one of her first readers.​

-Esra Gultakin @esra.london

What a beautiful book. Loved the photographs and quirky sketches interspersed throughout. Especially loved the piece titled “Feeling Alive”. It was so relatable to me. It's always wonderful to see your emotions expressed in someone's words. Miriam has such a wonderful whimsical way of expressing herself. I truly enjoyed reading this.

-Shruti Sharma @shrutiscapes

I loved loved this gorgeous book of poems! Did you know that Miriam‘s words wield the power to influence your reader strongly? Her words transport me to magical worlds! The world of stars, the universe & galaxies! I was unable to pick any of her pieces as a favourite as all of them were so utterly gorgeous. Once I began reading her book, I couldn't put it down! Recommend this to all the poetry lovers out there! 

-Theindieshe @theindieshe

With Yellow Drops of Stardust, Miriam Otto asks us to travel with her on a celestial journey through the lines of her poetry. We fly alongside her on a very personal journey. "Let me invite you into my spaceship" she writes in her opening poem— and from that moment, we are along on the ride with her. The whole experience feels very warm and personal. The author's personality shines through on her pages, much like the yellow Stardust that she names her collection after. "...we hold a whole universe within us," writes Miriam Otto. "Like little worlds and endless realms... vivid landscapes and stories just waiting to be told." Yellow Drops of Stardust, indeed, is ultimately a journey through these cosmic landscapes that Miriam creates for us. My favorite landscapes were those conjured in part 2, where she talks about bravery and growth. Despite the cosmic orientation of her work, this section feels very real— very grounded in the here and now.

-Garrett Ashe @garrett.ashe_

I'm so excited for Miriam and just skimming the opening message almost made me cry, I swear I think this book is exactly what I need right now.

-MK Mc Williams @mkmcwilliams

Yellow drops of stardust'!! Being a sky lover, the title itself intrigues me. The minute it was at hand, it became my winter-night favorite buddy. Thank you Miriam for the starriness wrapped up in this book. Best wishes and love.​

-Sonali Gupta @i.sonaligupta

In Miriam Otto's book—'Yellow Drops of Stardust: A collection of poetry, thoughts and art' could achieve something that many poets crave; a reader's wish to spend time with her words again and again. As she points out herself: "I strongly believe, we hold a whole universe within us.Like little worlds and endless realms, with vivid landscapes and stories just waiting to be told." And her book describes in full colors her own world, rich in smells, tastes, and sounds. The world seems to consist of two layers; an outer delicacy of language on the surface and deep, powerful resilience at its core. Poems are histories of different emotions: hope, love, gratitude, sadness and many more; all of them boil and live in a pilot of light. Dark shades are needed only as a 'blanket of stars' to feel nearness to somebody dear, and anger a wise dragon gives fierceness and opens new possibilities. We also witness a birth of a poet who is not afraid to face new mornings and open petals to stretch them as far as she can. Photographs, self-made pictures, and words form a magical combination which won't leave a reader indifferent. I'd highly recommend this book to modern poetry lovers.​

-Geo @_geothepoet_

Filled with magic, this book is for you! “Feel at home”. With this subtle and warm opening line, Miriam Otto, in her debut poetry collection “Yellow Drops OF Stardust” takes us into a journey within her mind and soul.Etching a path of light, that, surprisingly, with every page turn, leads her readers to the secret pathways of their very own hearts. Miriam holds her pen like a magic wand. She does weave magic. Not the kind of magic that opens up the realms of Narnia, but the kind that opens up our hearts to new perspectives , new ways of seeing the world and ourselves with fresh compassionate eyes. So when you read this book you will feel the energies of light,of passion , of art, of new possibilities and of self love. When you read this book You will understand that Awakening, before it occurs, takes a long time in preparation. It often begins as an unpleasant feeling, shaking up our whole existence. Miriam invites us to recognize and attend to the big shifts in our life.She inspires us to find the courage to abandon our comfort zone in order to become free. For that to happen,we need to open up our hearts in kindness and in promise.We need to refine our listening to better hear the call of the universe. Here is what Miriam says: “When I listen, wonders happen; maybe this is what we call magic. Life happens when I step over the fine lines of my comfort zone, when I leave my safe space, when I finally use my wings that were clipped for far too long.” I find solace and hope in her words.I feel inspired to embrace myself and my life in all their shades of light and darkness. I am in love with everything in this book; the poems, the art , the calligraphy and the photography. Miriam confined in her readers pieces of her soul.Reading “Yellow Drops of Stardust “ feels like a warm hug from a very close friend. Highly recommend!
-Ismet Diab

The beautiful title and cover take you on a magical journey. Miriam has imbued the pages of this delightful booklet with her immense charm and delightful aura. She encourages readers to ‘be surprised. Feel at home’ and it is indeed a pleasure to immerse oneself in the parallel universe of enchanting poetry and images that she has created.
-Sharron Green

Beautiful words from the heart! I came across this poet and her work on bookstagram, and when I saw the title and theme for the poetry, I felt excited and intrigued to read it. As many of you who read my posts, reviews and poetry - I am passionate about expressing thoughts and emotions through words - and this book provides a collection of poems that truly capture the magic and joy of life. I particularly loved ‘Follow Bliss’ - it reminded me of the song ‘my favourite things’ on the Sound of Music. I also enjoyed - ‘I remember’ - totally relatable and took me back to making tapes, first dates and feelings that go with it. The poems are written in an emotive way with a beautiful flow to them. They make you feel warm inside but at the same time, also address a range of different emotions too. A stunning collection. Highly recommended.

An empowering and a vivid collection of art & poetry. If you are on a journey towards attaining a state of Carpe diem, inner-healing , self-love and growth, I strongly recommend reading this poetry chapbook!
-Shruti Jayakumar

Wonderfully engaging read! What a beautiful book. Loved the photographs and quirky sketches interspersed throughout. Especially loved the piece titled “Feeling Alive”. It was so relatable to me. It's always wonderful to see your emotions expressed in someone's words. Miriam has such a wonderful whimsical way of expressing herself. I truly enjoyed reading this.
-Amazon Customer

Full of magical whimsy. A quick read that left me with a smile on my face and a full heart. Filled with imagery of stardust and sunshine, it is full of light and wisdom to remind you to look for positivity in life. But it does not shy away from the darkness either. Otto acknowledges the duality of our emotions and uses it to show appreciation for the light. This book just made me feel good and I had to re-read some of the pieces to fully appreciate how much I related to them.

Miriam is an amazing writer. Yellow drops of stardust!! Being a sky lover, the title itself intrigues me. The minute it was at hand, it became my winter-night favorite buddy. Thank you Miriam for the starriness wrapped up in this book. Best wishes and love.