W h o   C a s t s
A   S p e l l   O n   U s?

Independently Published by the Author.

Authored by
Miriam Otto

Who Casts A Spell On Us? is a poetry book that will take you on a journey. You will explore the myths surrounding gods and goddesses connected to European cities and landscapes—full of art and artists. And you will also travel to Rome, Venice, Paris, Florence, Petritoli and Athens along the channels, up and down seven hills, and to the ruins of long-lost civilizations.

Miriam Otto is a poetess, artist and designer from Germany. Have a cup of tea or coffee with her and this book. Just sit down, make yourself comfortable, and feel welcomed and at home.


B o o k   R e v i e w s

Miriam “draws” dreams & poems that are linked to the places she visits—making those moments fantastic, infinite and immortal—and dreams and poems are something we absolutely need today.
-Giuseppe Rinaldo Basili, Artist Gallery Spazio GRB, Italy

Her love and generosity shine through on every page.
-Mirjam Mahler, Poet Host of Book Clubs & Writing Workshops, Germany

Miriam’s tender poems are like a book of melodies. Each score beckons you to follow her on a journey. Miriam‘s beautiful words, a love letter to life, burble like a little stream. She brings colour to the dark places and asks you not to forget that hope and healing are also companions as you journey along in her company.
-Doryn Herbst Poetess and Reviewer

She is a gentle guide on your way to discover your universe within.
-Daniel McCosh, Poet Author of Oscillations

Miriam Otto’s words are like magical spells. Her words give life, heal your soul, heart and body overall.
-Lora, Poetess creator of Loveorrunaway—Daily Poetry and Quotes

Miriam Otto entered the step well of my heart. I read Who Casts a Spell on Us slowly and purposefully to let it all sink in.
-Bindiya Bedi Charan Noronha, Poetess Author of Dream Keeper

Her poems craft a unique voice that resonates deeply with those seeking meaning, inspiration, and personal growth. I enthusiastically recommend her book.
-Ismet Diab, Poetess

This poetry book is for those who love magic and for those who are not afraid to reach for the stars! "Give yourself permission to shine from your heart."
-Cynthia Padilla, Poetess, Content Designer, Copywriter and Lawyer

It is like an art piece that Miriam Otto paints with her words and splendid images. She is one of those artists who is able to see the vividness of colours that the essence of existence portrays.
-Osama Waheed, Poet Co-author of Blues and Yellows

A must-read for those seeking to change their perceptions about the world.
-Shruti Jayakumar, Poetess and Mental Health Advocate