M i r i a m

O t t o

 “Poetry whispers in my dreams;
it tells me that everything is possible!” 

A versatile creative, poetess, artist and award-winning designer by profession, Miriam Otto currently works and resides in Germany. In her mid-twenties, she won several prizes while studying media design as a filmmaker. She loves traveling and getting to know new places and people. Furthermore, she is also a dancer, musician, yogi, photographer and learner for life.

A co-founder of Voices of Poets—a wonderful community on Instagram—Miriam is dedicated to working with the community to give other poets a voice. Along with a few other poet colleagues, she has also compiled and published an anthology with 27 poets called Voices: 27 poets from around the world. Her poems are published in more than 25 anthologies and magazine publications which can be found in global sales channels. This also includes her solo chapbook Yellow Drops of Stardust. At the moment, she is working on her next poetry manuscript.

Her future dreams consist of brushing up on her French by visiting Paris for a week, relearning how to play the piano like she’d done as a kid, travelling to Rome to sign up for an Italian art history course and walk endlessly through ancient Roman alleys and hills. And if she is not dreaming, she loves to listen to her husband‘s music, sit by the fireplace with her pen and paper, or in her garden with nature where the birds visit.

Follow her on Instagram, Amazon, Goodreads or check out her website at www.DreamTravelConnect.com

Miriam Otto believes that
one becomes what one loves.


Contact the author—
Miriam Otto @miriamo77
to connect with her creative journey.