Designing Long-term Group Fair Policies in Dynamical Systems

FAccT24 | Miriam Rateike, Isabel Valera, and Patrick Forré

Neglecting the effect that decisions have on individuals (and thus, on the underlying data distribution) when designing algorithmic decision-making policies may increase inequalities and unfairness in the long term - even if fairness considerations were taken in the policy design process. In this paper, we propose a novel framework for achieving long-term group fairness in dynamical systems, in which current decisions may affect an individual's features in the next step, and thus, future decisions. Specifically, our framework allows us to identify a time-independent policy that converges, if deployed, to the targeted fair stationary state of the system in the long term, independently of the initial data distribution.

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Weakly Supervised Detection of Hallucinations in LLM Activations 

NeurIPS SoLaR Workshop 2023 | Miriam Rateike, Celia Cintas, John Wamburu, Tanya Akumu and Skyler Speakman.

We propose an auditing method to identify whether a large language model (LLM) encodes patterns such as hallucinations in its internal states, which may propagate to downstream tasks. We introduce a weakly supervised auditing technique using a subset scanning approach to detect anomalous patterns in LLM activations from pre-trained models. Importantly, our method does not need knowledge of the type of patterns a-priori. Instead, it relies on a reference dataset devoid of anomalies during testing. Further, our approach enables the identification of pivotal nodes responsible for encoding these patterns, which may offer crucial insights for fine-tuning specific sub-networks for bias mitigation.

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Discrimination in Machine Learning - A Brief Overview From the Perspective of Computer Science

Book Chapter in German: Digital recht Schriften zum Immaterialgüter-, IT-, Medien-, Daten- und Wettbewerbsrecht / Diskriminierungsfreie KI | Miriam Rateike.

The pervasive integration of machine learning (ML) in decision-making processes, particularly within critical domains like health and finance, has heightened the importance of addressing biases and discrimination. Historically, certain ML algorithms have exhibited biases based on so-called sensitive attributes such as gender or race, prompting a growing need for accountability and fairness in algorithmic decision-making. This paper explores the prevalent causes of discrimination throughout the developmental stages of an ML system. Additionally, it provides a small overview of the evolving field of computer science dedicated to ensuring fairness (non-discrimination) and explainability in algorithmic processes. The aim is to contribute to ongoing efforts in reducing biases and fostering transparency within the realm of ML applications impacting diverse groups of individuals.

Link to book (in German)

Don't Throw It Away! The Utility of Unlabeled Data for Fair Decision Making

FAccT 2022 | Miriam Rateike*, Ayan Majumdar*, Olga Mineeva, Krishna P. Gummadi and Isabel Valera.

Novel method for practical fair decision-making based on a variational autoencoder. Our method learns an unbiased data representation leveraging both labeled and unlabeled data and uses the representations to learn a policy in an online process. We show that our training approach not only offers a more stable learning process but also yields policies with higher fairness as well as utility than previous approaches.

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NeurIPS 2020 WiML Workshop | Poster presentation of an early version.

VACA: Designing Variational Graph Autoencoders for Causal Queries 

AAAI 2022 | Pablo Sanchez Martin*, Miriam Rateike* and Isabel Valera.

Novel class of variational graph autoencoders for causal inference in the absence of hidden confounders, when only observational data and the causal graph are available. Without making any parametric assumptions, VACA mimics the necessary properties of a Structural Causal Model (SCM) to provide a flexible and practical framework for answering interventional and counterfactual queries. VACA can evaluate counterfactual fairness in fair classification problems, and allows to learn fair classifiers without compromising performance.

Link to paper

* Equal contribution.