John Sipe

Professor, Department of Physics, University of Toronto


Areas of expertise / interest:

  • Generation and applications of nonclassical light

  • Integrated photonic structures

  • Quantum sensing and metrology

  • Quantum coherent control processes in condensed matter physics

Short bio:
Completed Ph.D. at University of Toronto in 1975, member of the faculty there since 1981.  Fellow of Optica (formerly the Optical Society of America), the American Physical Society, and the Royal Society of Canada.

More information here.

Selected project-relevant publications:

Degenerate squeezing in a dual-pumped microresonator: Parasitic processes and their suppression, Phys. Rev. A 105, 033524 (2022)
Beyond photon pairs: Nonlinear quantum photonics in the high-gain regime, Adv. Opt. Phot. 14, 291 (2022)

Publications as part of MIRAQLS: