
Marine Intelligence Robotics Lab. ?

Marine Intelligence Robotics Lab. (a.k.a MIR Lab.) is an underwater robotics research center operated by Prof. Park and Prof. Han within the UST KRISO campus. It aims to conduct various robotics research in modeling, production, sensing, intelligence, and other areas necessary for underwater robots and to cultivate world-class experts in the field.

The MIR laboratory has secured the infrastructure for students to conduct various research topics with the guidance of two professors and more than 20 underwater robotics specialists based on leveraging the research capabilities and experience of KRISO, which has been developing underwater robots for over 50 years.

In particular, Prof. Park conducts research on autonomous underwater robots based on his expertise in intelligence and control, while Prof. Han performs modeling, design, and analysis of underwater robots based on his expertise in dynamic control.

We look forward to researching with you.