Privacy policy

Please read this Privacy Policy carefully so that you can make informed decisions about your use of the MinsterMedia Apps Weight Tracker app.

Last updated: 15-November-2021

Personal data collection

Personal data refers to data that can specifically identify you as an individual (e.g. your name, email address). This app does not collect, store or use any of your personal data.

User entered data

In order to track and manage your weight, this app does ask you to enter certain pieces of data (including, but not limited to your gender, height, weight).

None of the data you enter into the app is transmitted off the device - it remains entirely on your device. The only time it could leave your device is if you yourself decide to use the app back-up functionality to store it on your Google Drive.

Data sharing

This app does not share any of your data with third parties or with any other apps.


If you contact me by email then your email address will only be used for the sole prupose of replying to you. This will only ever happen in response to an initial communication from you.

Links to other sites

This app does contain a link to its own page in the Google Play store. This is so that you may optionally provide a rating or review for the app. No data from the app is passed to the Google Play store when you click this link.

As this app has no control over nor responsibility for the Google Play store, you are advised to review their privacy policies if you have any concerns about their content and practices.

Changes to this policy

This Privacy policy may be updated from time to time to reflect any changes in the app content or functionality. You are advised to review this page periodically for any changes.

Contact information

If you have any questions about this policy, please contact me on