

A Structural Model of a Multitasking Salesforce: Incentive, Private Information, and Job Design with K. Sudhir and Kosuke Uetake, Management Science (2022)

Attribute Sentiment Scoring with Online Text Reviews: Accounting for Language Structure and Missing Attributes with Ishita Chakraborty and K. Sudhir, Journal of Marketing Research (2022)

When Salespeople Manage Customer Relationships: Multidimensional Incentives and Private Information with K. Sudhir, Kosuke Uetake and Rodrigo Canales,  Journal of Marketing Research (2019)

Peer-reviewed Conference Proceeding

Human Learning from Artificial Intelligence: Evidence from Human Go Players’ Decisions after AlphaGo with Minkyu Shin and Jin Kim, Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (2021)

Working Papers & Works in Progress

Multi-dimensional Salesforce Compensation with Negotiated Prices, with Pranav Jindal and Peter W. Newberry (alphabetical order)

The Impact of Unionization on Consumer Perceptions of Service Quality: Evidence from Starbucks with Isamar Troncoso, Ishita Chakraborty, and Soohyun Kim

Gender Differences in Bargaining and Selling, with Pranav Jindal and Peter W. Newberry