Talks & Events

Since 2024

Talks in 2024

2024 KSIAM Spring Meeting

Kyunpook National University, Republic of Korea

17th May, 2024.

     2024 Conference of the Honam Mathematical Society

     Jeonbuk National University, Republic of Korea

     21st June, 2024.

3rd Korea-China Young Scholar's Symposium on Discrete mathematics

Utop Ubless Hotel Jeju, Republic of Korea

25th June, 2024.

     Combinatorics & Topology Seminar at GIST

     GIST, Republic of Korea

     August, 2024.

     2024 Combinatorics Workshop

     Jeju, Republic of Korea

     August, 2024.

Event: Combinatorics and Topology Week at GIST (2024.07.08~07.12)