Kim, Minki

Division of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST)

email: minkikim [at] gist [dot] ac [dot] kr

Currently, I am an assistant professor in the Division of Liberal Arts and Sciences at GIST, Gwangju, Republic of Korea.

Before, I was working

I obtained my PhD degree on August 26, 2018 from the Department of Mathematical Sciences at KAIST, Daejeon, South Korea, under the guide of my advisor Andreas Holmsen.

My research interests lie on discrete geometry, topological combinatorics and graph theory.




Given an abstract simplicial complex, its Leray number is defined as the minimal integer k such that all induced subcomplexes has trivial homology groups in dimension k or greater. The Leray number of a simplicial complex is equivalent to the Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity of the square-free monomial ideal that corresponds to the complex.

These days, I am interested in finding bounds on Leray numbers and investigating combinatorial properties of various simplicial complexes arising from combinatorial situation (such as independence complexes, nerve complexes, ...). Here are selected publications in this direction:

"Extensions of the Colorful Helly Theorem for d-collapsible and d-Leray complexes"

Forum of Mathematics, Sigma, 12:e44 1-14, 2024.


      Leray numbers of tolerance complexes

      Combinatorica, 43:985-1006, 2023. 


      Complexes of graphs with bounded independence number

Israel Journal of Mathematics, 249:83-120, 2022.


      Domination numbers and noncover complexes of hypergraphs

Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series A,  180:105408, 2021.


      Nerves, minors, and piercing numbers

      Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 371(12):8755-8779, 2019.


A full list of my publications can be found in Publications page.

Gwangju, Republic of Korea

Jinha Kim in the Department of Mathematics at Chonnam National University also works on combinatorial and topological aspects of simplicial complexes and (hyper)graphs. Please feel free to contact us if you want to visit Gwangju for research collaboration.

