from June 10 (Mon.) to 12 (Wed.) in 2024

Mini Workshop on 

Star Formation

at Kagoshima University

A tribute to Naomi Hirano

This workshop aims to honor the extensive contributions of Naomi Hirano to the study of star formation throughout her distinguished career. Participants will reflect on the inspiration drawn from collaborating with Naomi. She initially pursued studies in radio astronomy at the Nobeyama Radio Observatory, played a key role in the establishment of the Submillimeter Array (SMA), and subsequently dedicated herself to overseeing SMA operations for an extended period spanning several decades. Her long-standing commitment and expertise in utilizing those telescopes have contributed to the understanding of star formation and left a lasting legacy in the realm of astrophysical research. Inheriting the spirit of the veteran instruments and her dedication, the advent of new instruments assures the enduring fascination of the field. Held in the magnificent nature city of Kagoshima, where the star formation field is growing, the workshop will delve into key observations, theories, and developments. Attendees will explore the ongoing efforts to overcome challenges and discuss the progress made since Naomi's time. The primary goal is to assess current advancements, identify unresolved issues, and strategize effective solutions. Your participation is encouraged to contribute to the closing chapter of her research life with the success of this memorable scientific gathering.

This meeting is open to anyone who would like to attend.  To register, follow the registration tab on the top menu. If anyone would like to contact the organizers, they can contact Shigehisa Takakuwa ( and/or Yusuke Aso (




The Invited Speakers

 Scientific Organizing Committee

Yusuke Aso (Chair), Shigehisa Takakuwa (Vice Chair), Chin-Fei Lee, Sheng-Yuan Liu, Hsi-Wei Yen

Local Organizing Committee

Shigehisa Takakuwa (Chiar), Yusuke Aso, Miyu Kido, Kazuya Saigo, Sanemichi Takahashi, Masayuki Yamaguchi

Shinobu Fukuda, Aya Imakado, Minori Esaki, Aina Yasuda, Daichi Nishihara

The Venue

Inamori Kaikan, Kagoshima University, 1-21-24 Korimoto, Kagoshima, Kagoshima

Kagoshima is a captivating city in Japan, featuring picturesque nature and historic sites. Visitors can relax in Ibusuki's unique hot sand baths, indulge in the renowned Kagoshima Black Pork cuisine, and feel growing enthusiasm for the star formation study at the university.