Opening suites

msca-12start.pgn - a file containing 12 start positions useful for engine vs engine matches.

msca-6start.pgn - an opening suite which contains 6 positions from pgn format, you may download it here.

mini-797start.epd - a file containing 797 positions in epd format useful for engine testing as opening suite. This file can be downloaded from here.

mini-openings.pgn - a file containing 84 start positions and can be found in the mini-shogi package after installation. This pgn file can be downloaded from here.

mini-84openings-sorted-r1.pgn - An opening suite that is randomly sorted based from mini-openings.pgn. This suite was used in the early rounds of tournament nr 3.

mini-84openings-sorted-r2.pgn - An opening suite that is randomly sorted based from mini-openings.pgn. This suite was used in the final round of tournament nr 3.

minishogi-ch-4start.pgn - a file containing 4 positions to be used in stage 1 of the 1st MSCA Champ's tour 2017. You can download it here.

minishogi-ch-8start.pgn - a file containing 8 positions to be used in stage 2 of the 1st MSCA Champ's tour 2017. You can download it here.