Mingming Zha

Mingming Zha 查明明

I am a  Ph.D. student in Computer Science at Indiana University Bloomington advised by Prof. XiaoFeng Wang

My work has been published in top-tier security conferences (such as IEEE S&P, CCS, USENIX Security, and NDSS), and has generated real-world impact as countermeasures. 

My main research interest is  Mobile Security,  Program Analysis, and AI Security. Here is my CV.



09/2019 - now                       Indiana University,  Ph.D. in Computer Science

09/2016 - 07/2019               Chinese Academy of Sciences,  Master in Cyber Security 

09/2012 - 07/2016               Beijing Jiaotong University,  Bachelor in Information Security


[1] Mingming Zha, Zilong Lin, Siyuan Tang, Xiaojing Liao, Yuhong Nan, Xiaofeng Wang, "Understanding Cross-Platform Referral Traffic for Illicit Drug Promotion", ACM CCS'24, 2024 (Aceepted)

[2] Yi Chen, Di Tang, Yepeng Yao, Mingming Zha, Xiaofeng Wang, Xiaozhong Liu, Haixu Tang, Baoxu Liu, "Sherlock on Specs: Building LTE Conformance Tests through Automated Reasoning", USENIX Security'23, 2023 (Accepted)

[3] Mingming Zha, Jice Wang, Yuhong Nan, Xiaofeng Wang, Yuqing Zhang, Zelin Yang, "Hazard Integrated: Understanding Security Risks in App Extensions to Team Chat Systems", NDSS'22, 2022. [PDF] [Demo]

[4] Han Liu, Zhiyuan Yu, Mingming Zha, XiaoFeng Wang, William Yeoh, Yevgeniy Vorobeychik, Ning Zhang, "When Evil Calls : Targeted Adversarial Voice over IP-Telephony Network", ACM CCS'22, 2022. (Accepted)[Demo]

[5] Yi Chen, Di Tang, Yepeng Yao, Mingming Zha, Xiaofeng Wang, Xiaozhong Liu, Haixu Tang, Dongfang Zhao, "Seeing the Forest for the Trees: Understanding Security Hazards in the 3GPP Ecosystem through Intelligent Analysis on Change Requests", USENIX Security '22, 2022 [PDF]

[6] Zhi Li, Weijie Liu, Hongbo Chen, Xiaofeng Wang, Xiaojing Liao, Luyi Xing, Mingming Zha, Hai Jin, Deqing Zou, "Robbery on DevOps: Understanding and Mitigating Illicit Cryptomining on Continuous Integration Service Platforms", IEEE S&P'22, 2022 [PDF

[7] Yi Chen, Mingming Zha, Nan Zhang, Dandan Xu, Qianqian Zhao, Xuan Feng, Kan Yuan, Ya Su, Yuan Tian, Kai Chen, Xiaofeng Wang, Wei Zou, "Demystifying Hidden Privacy Settings in Mobile Apps", IEEE S&P’19, 2019. [PDF

[8] Mingming Zha, Guozhu Meng, Chaoyang Lin, Zhe Zhou and Kai Chen. "RoLMA: A Practical Adversarial Attack against Deep Learning-based LPR Systems", Inscrypt’19, 2019. [PDF]

[9] Tongxin Li, Xueqiang Wang, Mingming Zha, Kai Chen, XiaoFeng Wang, Luyi Xing, Xiaolong Bai, Nan Zhang, Xinhui Han, "Unleashing the Walking Dead: Understanding Cross-App Remote Infections on Mobile WebViews", ACM CCS’17, 2017. [PDF] [Demo]

[10] Yeonjoon Lee, Tongxin Li, Nan Zhang, Soteris Demetriou, Mingming Zha, XiaoFeng Wang, Kai Chen, Xiaoyong Zhou, Xinhui Han and Michael Grace, "Ghost Installer in the Shadow: Security Analysis of App Installation on Android", DSN’17, 2017. [PDF]

[11] Mingming Zha, Wei Wang, "A system of monitoring and protecting Android privacy leakage", CTCIS’15 , 2015. (In Chinese) [PDF]

Keynote Talks

[1]  2022 the Network and Distributed System Security (NDSS) Symposium, "Hazard Integrated: Understanding Security Risks in App Extensions to Team Chat Systems", April 27, 2022 (NDSS 22)

[2] 2015  4th National Summit Forum on Network Security: A system of monitoring Android privacy leakage. (XDef 2015)

[3] 2015  9th Chinese Conference on Trusted Computing and Information Security (CTCIS 2015)