
The information on this page may be outdated. For an updated list of available positions, please visit this page of the Cai Lab.

Graduate student

If you are interested in pursuing PhD study on learning and decision making or mind wandering or the interaction of them with mental disorders, please apply through the PhD program in Cognitive and Behavioral Neuroscience of the Department of Psychology, University of Miami.

For inquiry, please send your CV, transcript, and explanation of interest to mingbo [dot] cai [at] miami [dot] edu, with a title "[PhD application] + your name”

Research Assistant (pre-doctoral, non-degree granting)

If you are interested in learning how to study human brain with experiment and computational modeling, please feel free to send your CV, transcript, and (optionally) a brief description of interest to mingbo [dot] cai [at] miami [dot] edu, with a title "[Research Assistant] + your name”. If possible, please also include contact information for recommendation letters. 

I will mainly consider part-time RAs for undergraduate or master students in Miami area, Florida for 2024.

postdoctoral position

If you have experience in studying mind wandering, learning and decision making or natural tasks with one or more of computational modeling/machine learning/brain imaging approaches, and would like to work with me further in these domains, please send your CV, representative manuscript, statement of research and list of three references to mingbo [dot] cai [at] miami [dot] edu, with a title "[postdoc] + your name”.

If you want to work in between these domains, you are especially welcome! 

Summer Intern

Ask me about possibilities!