I'm writing minesweeper clone in Java, and I've been having some trouble with the part where the surrounding number of bombs are calculated. For some reason, either some cells detect additional bombs, or no bombs at all (even weirdly, some cells work fine). Could someone help? Thanks!

I would seriously consider completely abandoning the way you're doing this. When I first started to code, I too made a minesweeper game, and I did what you were doing. After a few revisions, I was able to put all of it into a few loops. I tried to comment enough in my code to tell you what every line does. This code is not tested, so it probably won't work right away to be completely honest. However, I looked through it a couple of times and it seems like it will work to me. I suggest you take this code and try to make it work. Give it a try.

Minesweeper Java Download

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First step would be to study the MVC design pattern. Now you have all your code in one file. Separate the logic of the game into a separate "minesweeper engine" class that is not dependant on the Swing framework. Make the engine send events to your user interface.

I am writing a simple minesweeper, but I can't find a way to reveal the adjacent tiles properly. If a tile is blank, it is revealed and then the algorithm reveals all adjacent blank tiles. However I would like to reveal a layer of non blank tiles as well, just like the real minesweeper.

Currently making a minesweeper game and stuck on being able to loop through the 8 surrounding cells to find the number of surrounding bombs. I have a helper method that I believe works fine that is used to check if the cell (passed by numberOfAdjacentBombs) contains a bomb. How do I go about creating a nested for loop that will loop through each surrounding cell? e.g (row-1, col-1), (row-1, col), (row-1, col+1).

You submission MUST contain these classes: Cell.java (extends JButton), MineMap.java, GameBoardPanel.java (extends JPanel) and MineSweeperMain.java. I revised the templates in April 2022, after the submission.

Line 1 informs the compiler that we will be using the Random class from the java.util package and that we would like to refer to it simply as Random rather than by its full name java.util.Random. Import statements such as this are never necessary; they are merely a convenience feature that allows you to save a few keystrokes by referring to a class by a shorter name. You can always use the fully qualified name, whether or not an import statement is present. The Random class will be used later to assist in randomly dispersing mines across the game board.

The class makes use of the java.io.StreamTokenizer class for reading user input and breaking it up into recognisable commands. If you have not encountered this class before it may be worthwhile reading through the relevant web-based API documentation and tutorials before continuing. You can also find the code in the file /import/teaching/BSc/1st/ItP/MineSweeper/MineSweeper.html.

Finally we come to the main program! This is almost trivial in comparison with the rest of the code. The program makes use of command line parameters to obtain the size of the board, and the number of mines to place on it, from the user. Command line parameters are extra information given on the UNIX or DOS command line following the class name in a 'java' command. For example, the command

instructs the operating system to run a command called 'java', and to pass it four extra parameters: 'MineSweeper', '20', '20' and '15'. Java, in turn, takes its first parameter as the name of a class to run, and will pass the remaining command line parameters as arguments to the main method of that class. In this case, Java will load the MineSweeper class and call its main method with three parameters: '20', '20' and '15'. The parameters can be accessed as the elements of the array of strings passed to the main method (you have been wondering what that was for, right?). In our example the contents of the array will be: args[0] = "20", args[1] = "20" and args[2] = "15". Note that the parameters values are all treated as strings unless you convert them to something else.

My professor gave us a project: make a minesweeper clone. However, he said that he will give bonus points for the 3 fastest algorithms for board generation. I'm currently doing the algorithm that places the numbers. How should I do it? I thought of doing something like

easy going, don't care about much, keep a small group of friends, can get along with a lot of people, unless they bug me, i like food especially pasta, i self taught java then took a class that i aced, i am in the process of teaching myself C++, i am interested in 3d computer graphics, such as pov-ray, and anim8or, but i am not a good artist, usually i can make things look half the way i want them to, unless defined mathematically like in pov-ray

not a professional, just an 18 year old with a love of programming. gonna be a freshman fall 2008 going to major in computer science

i have always been good at math and science, in either class if the professor made a game of review i would typically win, but i am not as interested in bio as i am in physics and chem. SciWizEH is short for science wizard EH (town acronym). alot of people i know have called me "too smart"

Minesweeper is a video game that has been included with Microsoft Windows since 1989. In this game, the player is presented with a grid of squares. Each of these squares may conceal a mine. When the player clicks on a square, it is revealed. If the square is a mine, the game is over. If the square is not a mine, it is replaced by a number indicating how many of the adjacent squares are mines. The goal of the game is to reveal all squares that are not mines. These simple rules yield a complex problem: Kaye proved that the minesweeper-consistency problem is NP-complete (2000). The minesweeper-consistency problem is to determine if, given a board with some known squares, there exists a layout of mines in the unknown squares that is consistent with the numbers displayed. 2351a5e196

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