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As part of a fun-at-home-research-project, I am trying to find a way to reduce/convert a song to a humming like audio signal (the underlying melody that we humans perceive when we listen to a song). Before I proceed any further in describing my attempt on this problem, I would like to mention that I am totally new to audio analysis though I have a lot of experience with analyzing images and videos.

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After googling a bit, I found a bunch of melody extraction algorithms. Given a polyphonic audio signal of a song (ex: .wav file), they output a pitch track --- at each point in time they estimate the dominant pitch (coming from a singer's voice or some melody generating instrument) and track the dominant pitch over time.

I read a few papers, and they seem to compute a short time Fourier transform of the song, and then do some analysis on the spectrogram to get and track the dominant pitch. Melody extraction is only a component in the system I am trying to develop, so I don't mind using any algorithm that's available as far as it does a decent job on my audio files and the code is available. Since I am new to this, I would be happy to hear any suggestions on which algorithms are known to work well and where can I find its code.

The algorithm (available as a vamp plugin) outputs a pitch track --- [time_stamp, pitch/frequency] --- an Nx2 matrix where in the first column is the time-stamp (in seconds) and the second column is dominant pitch detected at the corresponding time-stamp. Shown below is a visualization of the pitch-track obtained from the algorithm overlayed in purple color with a song's time-domain signal (above) and it spectrogram/short-time-fourier. Negative-values of pitch/frequency represent the algorithms dominant pitch estimate for un-voiced/non-melodic segments. So all pitch estimates >= 0 correspond to the melody, the rest are not important to me.

The underlying logic behind this code is the following: at each time-stamp, I synthesize a short-lived wave (say a sine-wave) with frequency equal to the detected dominant pitch/frequency at that time-stamp for a duration equal to its gap with the next time-stamp in the input melody matrix. I only wonder if I am doing this right.

Then I take the audio signal I get from this function and play it with the original song (melody on the left channel and original song on the right channel). Though the generated audio signal seems to segment the melody-generating sources (voice/lead-intstrument) fairly well -- its active where voice is and zero everywhere else --- the signal itself is far from being a humming (I get something like beep beep beeeeep beep beeep beeeeeeeep) that the authors show on their website. Specifically, below is a visualization showing the time-domain signal of the input song in the bottom and the time-domain signal of the melody generated using my function.

Last, I would also play with the duration estimates you have so that you have smoother transitions from one sound to the next. Guessing from your performance of your audio file that I enjoyed very much (beep beep beeeeep beep beeep beeeeeeeep) and the graph that you display, it looks like you have many interruptions inserted in the rendering of your song. You could avoid this by extending the duration estimates to get rid of any silence that is shorter than, say .1 second. That way you would preserver the real silences from the original song but avoid cutting off each note of your song.

First, as you surmised, your analysis has thrown away all the amplitude information of the melody portion of the original spectrum. You will need an algorithm that captures that information (and not just the amplitude of the entire signal for polyphonic input, or that of just the FFT pitch bin for any natural musical sounds). This is a non-trivial problem, somewhere between melodic pitch extraction and blind source separation.

Do you guys know any VSTs or really any software M4L device, web app, or standalone app that takes in a MIDI melody and generates a chord progression to fit that melody? Songsmith is the best example I have found: [ =GFk5Ab3NPkY]

Vielklang is also similar: [ =vU6FzvvwjDY]

Playing the MIDI clip will trigger each chain in the Drum Rack in order, according to the timing information that you specified or that was embedded in the audio. This opens up many new editing possibilities, including:

The Convert Harmony command can work with music from your collection, but you can also get great results by generating MIDI from audio recordings of yourself playing harmonic instruments such as guitar or piano.

This command extracts the rhythms from unpitched, percussive audio and places them into a clip on a new MIDI track. The command also attempts to identify kick, snare and hihat sounds and places them into the new clip so that they play the appropriate sounds in the preloaded Drum Rack.

so I am trying to make my piezo play "What makes You Beautiful" by One Direction and I have translated the notes from the sheet music so they readable by the pitches.h library but for some reason when I run the program the piezo only plays the first few notes in the melody.

The origins of the Melody Hi-Fi Valve Company are certainlydifferent but not totally unique. The company was registered in MelbourneAustralia in 1999 and the owner and founder is a Mr. Shi He Wang, he is anAustralian citizen. The Melody audio components are constructed in a Privately owned O.E.M. manufacturing facility in Shen Zhen. The very same factory manufactures another line of Hi-Fi componentsre-branded as ONIX brand name in the past. Melody also collaborated on a pair ofmonos that were branded Genesis.

Under TheHood

Look inside the Pure Black 101 and you will find a bonafide Hi-End candy store chock full of some of the finest specialty circuitcomponents made for high-end audio. I'm more than surprised, and no one wouldnot be very impressed. There are three massive Aerovox U.S.A. 48uf, paper in oilcapacitors and four Jensen pure copper foil coupling capacitors plus two GermanMundorf 0.47uf Capacitors possibly of the silver/oil variety. All resistors arehigh quality ceramics and the tube sockets are also ceramic with gold platedpins. The internal wiring is mil spec neatly tied and bundled and some criticalwiring is shielded with cooper braid. Additionally the volume control is a motordriven discrete resistor ladder attenuator, Wow!

My Mindset

My conclusions are tempered by an awareness that somereviewers and many audiophiles have abandoned the sound of live music. Howeversubtly it came about is debatable, but I believe it probable that the last musicperformance that they listened to at home was a compact disc. It can explain alot, it can explain the emphasis on lightning fast transient speed, treblefrequency extension and iron grip earth quake deep bass. One gigantic problemwith this yardstick, it's pretty much superfluous bullshit. At best maybefifteen percent of music information resides at the frequency extremes. Rememberif it ain't in the midrange then it ain't anywhere. The last bumbling phrase is "transientspeed" common sense will tell you this is not a measurement of a liveperformance or your ability to believe it. Then why has sound effects TechnoBabble measurement taken over? Maybe it has something to do with, upsampling, oversampling,re-clocking, Jitter reduction, least significant bit, et al: phrases afloat on asea of misdirection.

Can I upload my own Arlo Chime melody? The ones available through the UI (Android or web) do not meet my needs. There are two "custom" melodies but what does it even mean that they're named "Custom 1" and "Custom 2"? When I originally read the user guide I had hoped that somehow I'd be able to upload my own two custom melodies, but that doesn't seem possible.

The "Custom 1" and "Custom 2" are actual chime melody names. There is currently no way to upload your own Arlo Chime melody; however, feel free to post your idea on our Idea Exchange Board. Our development team routinely reviews posts in the Arlo Idea Exchange to assess which features the community would like to see implemented.

Yes. You can change the chime melody in your Arlo doorbell's melody settings within the Arlo Secure app. Follow this steps, Launch the Arlo app or log in to Tap or click Settings > My Devices. Select your Arlo Video Doorbell. Tap or click Traditional Chime. Select Mechanical, Digital, or None. Mechanical.

As per my knowledge cut off, it is not possible to upload your own custom melodies for the Arlo Chime. The "Custom 1" and "Custom 2" options that are available in the user interface are pre-set melodies that cannot be changed or replaced. The Arlo Chime has a limited set of options for customizing the chime melodies, and the ability to upload your own melody is not currently supported. I would recommend checking the Arlo website or contacting their customer support to see if there are any updates or changes in this feature. It's also possible that some third-party integrations or custom code could help you achieve this, but I would recommend consulting with an expert in that field before proceeding.

What an amazing set of cans and audioteck was amazing to deal with. This was my first purchase with them. And since I wrote this review, I bought another audiophile product Cayin RU7. They were great to deal with.

The aim of the MIREX audio melody extraction evaluation is to identify the melody pitch contour from polyphonic musical audio. Pitch is expressed as the fundamental frequency of the main melodic voice, and is reported in a frame-based manner on an evenly-spaced time-grid.

The Audio Melody Extraction output file format is a tab-delimited ASCII text format. Fundamental frequencies (in Hz) of the main melody are reported on a 10ms time-grid. If an algorithm estimates that there is no melody present within a given time frame it is to report a NEGATIVE frequency estimate. This allows the algorithm to still output a pitch estimate even if its voiced/unvoiced detection mechanism is incorrect. Therefore, pitch accuracy and segmentation performance can be evaluated separately. Estimating ZERO frequency is also acceptable. However, Pitch Accuracy performance will go down if the voiced/unvoiced detection of the algorithm is incorrect. If the algorithm performs no segmentation, it can report all positive fundamental frequencies (and the segmentation aspects of the evaluation ignored). If the time-stamp in the algorithm output is not on a 10ms time-grid, it will be resampled using 0th-order interpolation during evaluation. Therefore, we encourage the use of a 10ms frame hop-size. Each line of the output file should look like: 2351a5e196

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