
KriShop is an urban-centric traceable food supply chain that gives direct access to fresh veggies and fruits of the locality & pioneer urban farms and Agro-entrepreneurs. KriShop aims to convert every city into urban farms and create a direct bridge between the consumer and growers with its online platform. By 2050 there will be 10 billion people on earth with a food gap of 56% and a land gap of 593 million hectares due to deforestation and urbanization. Hence, it's time to create a new sustainable agricultural ecosystem. In addition, due to lack of traceability and usage of preservatives, the unregulated agricultural industry has become a nightmare for public health.

Hence, we initiated KriShop which aims to convert every city into urban farms and create a direct bridge between the consumer and growers with its online platform. By providing modern and vertical farming resources and technologies we are pioneering new urban agro-entrepreneurs and then with KriShop, consumers can buy fresh veggies and fruits directly from them which will ensure traceability and food safety.

Moreover, if scaled globally, KriShop's urban agricultural ecosystem will be able to solve future food shortage problems, provide extra earning sources, and reduce CO2.
here to get more details.
This project Addresses
SDG 3. Good Health and Well-being, SDG 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities and SDG13 Climate Action.

Fellows working on the project: