
Clivi-scope is a device that helps us look into the future of Climate Resilience Action Plans. The planet Earth is burning like never before, Global warming may be the chief and most complicated environmental problem to endanger our homes and wherever we live. The Arctic is warming up like never before and the sea levels are rising, displacing the people within the coastal areas, not in some specific places but all around the World. According to the IPCC, it suggests that increasing the World's Forest Cover by 1 billion hectares will be necessary to help limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius by 2050. But data resources are very limited for analysis of which places should be turned to forests and which tree species should be placed in which areas. Clivi-scope incorporates Artificial Intelligence(A.I), Machine Learning(ML), Computer Vision, Sensors and Global Positioning Systems (GPS) embedded on a drone to help assess and supervise new spaces to re-afforest. The device collects atmospheric temperatures and humidity through use of sensors, A.I and ML are used in drawing patterns and neurons for assessment from the data obtained by the Computer Vision to reach strong decisions and conclusions.

The Project addresses SDG13: Climate Action

Fellows working on the project:
-Aaron Masuba